Need Wheels? Armored Car For Sale at Atlantic Firearms

Nathaniel F
by Nathaniel F

Looking for a new car? Want something… Different? How about, say, an armored car? Well among their catalog of AK clones, AR-15s, pistols and other assorted firearms, Atlantic has recently listed for sale a Fox armored reconnaissance vehicle. Of course, nothing good in life is free, and if you want this Fox to be yours it’ll be nearly $50,000 – which, by armored vehicle standards, is not that bad. Still, try telling the wife that you’re not getting that BMW 4 Series after all, because wouldn’t an armored car be so much cooler? Well, if you still want to try to convince the missus, maybe Atlantic’s video, embedded below, will help:

The Fox was engineered by the British Alvis Car and Engineering Company, which also manufactured the Saladin armored car, also manufactured by Alvis. The Fox is a lightweight 3 man vehicle, packing a 360-degree rotating turret with a 30mm RARDEN cannon onboard, the same gun that is the main armament of the F107 Scimitar light tank still in use with the British Army. The RARDEN fires the 30x170mm cartridge, a single round of which is almost a foot long, and fires a 6,000 grain explosive bullet at over 3,300 feet per second! Unfortunately, the 30mm on Atlantic’s Fox has been converted to a Sim Fire gas cannon, so you won’t be plinking technicals at 2,000 meters, but the vehicle is road legal, with a top speed of 65 miles per hour.

The exact provenance of Atlantic Firearms’ Fox is not public, but it may be the same vehicle displayed in the video below, from the Precision Firearms YouTube channel:

Nathaniel F
Nathaniel F

Nathaniel is a history enthusiast and firearms hobbyist whose primary interest lies in military small arms technological developments beginning with the smokeless powder era. He can be reached via email at

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2 of 91 comments
  • Secundius Secundius on Nov 21, 2017

    I could probably get one Cheaper looking through "Auto Trader" at my Local 7-Eleven...

  • Spade Spade on Nov 22, 2017

    So, can you DD the gun, convert it to semi, and get it working again?
