More Glock M News Bits: 19M Poses For Snapshots

by Pete

Over at Glock Talk, more images of the mysterious Glock M series of pistol have surfaced, this time in the model 19 flavor. The included pictures give us some detailed shots of the flared and relief-cut magazine well. The subtle differences in the current offerings follow Glock’s painfully slow strategy of incremental change.

What is still unclear, however, is the fate of the secret ‘M’ line. Will it turn into the 5the generation of popular polymer pistols? Will it remain the ‘M’ series as an option to the traditional frames? Or will this be a contract-only gun available to LE agencies as a special order?

My personal opinion is that Glock is getting the M guns into the hands of a select few gunfighters for some real world, high round count testing prior to a full release as the ‘Gen 5’ line.

Lots of questions, with no real answers at this point. My guess is that, since the new “summer release” Glocks have already hit dealer cases, if the M’s are going to be publicly available they will make their debut at the 2018 SHOT Show.

Closer, yet still so far, to new Glock perfection.

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Glock 17M In The Wild

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  • Rennsport4.4TV8 Rennsport4.4TV8 on Jun 05, 2017

    The 19M or M like 19 gen5 is the only thing that will get a Glock in my house.

  • Ray Ray on Jun 19, 2017

    Would it kill them to go back to the single flatspring RSA now that this whole .40 fad is over?
