Geissele Picatinny Bayonet Mount

by Miles

Soldier Systems Daily is reporting on a product from Geissele Automatics that was shown at Modern Day Marine. This particular product is picatinny rail mounted bayonet mount. It can securely fit an Ontario Knife Company M9 (Modern use) or the M7 (Vietnam era issue). It is secured via three hand tightened screws to the picatinny rail. Interestingly enough there was a very specific design requirement for this, and that was that when Geissele took part in the M4A1+RFI enhancement program with their handguard, this would have allowed a full length handguard to still be able to mount a bayonet. So unlike the Tactical Beard Camouflage garment, this item stemmed from a real world procurement requirement. Either way, I’m sure this is being marketed more as a novelty item than any serious attempt for a government contract or mass civilian sale. Though the advantages of a full length rail system are aplenty, I don’t think the government would take this picatinny mounted product into consideration if it really came down to it.

My opinion on bayonets has come up before on TFB. Essentially it comes down to the psychological factor of their usage being much more prevalent than any real world reality when it comes to close quarter combat between armed belligerents.


Infantry Marine, based in the Midwest. Specifically interested in small arms history, development, and usage within the MENA region and Central Asia. To that end, I run Silah Report, a website dedicated to analyzing small arms history and news out of MENA and Central Asia.Please feel free to get in touch with me about something I can add to a post, an error I've made, or if you just want to talk guns. I can be reached at

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3 of 71 comments
  • R h R h on Oct 21, 2016

    i will say this.. a blade never needs a mag swap.
    and id rather knife fight with my knife 3 feet farther away then the end of my hand..
    if your going to carry a knife ( personal choice) might as well be one you can strap to the end of your rifle.

    • Mazryonh Mazryonh on Oct 22, 2016

      @r h Length isn't everything when it comes to the effectiveness of a bayonet platform. British forces carried out a successful bayonet charge in 2004 with their bullpup L85 rifles, and those are shorter than M4 carbines or M16 rifles.

  • Mazryonh Mazryonh on Oct 22, 2016

    Someone needs to make a demonstration video of this bayonet mounting system with a bayonet mounted to a side rail of a rifle to see how it changes bayonet techniques, as well as how it stands up to hard use. Of course, purpose-built bayonet lugs are much lighter but usually don't allow for side-mounted bayonets.

    It also seems to be Geissele's solution to "how do we keep a barrel free-floating while still being able to mount an M9 bayonet?", but we still have to see whether the rails this mount attaches to can really stand up to the rigors of bayonet combat.
