DSEi '13: Companies Kicked Out For Promoting Less-Lethal Technology

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson
Magforce 300000V Electrical Stun Baton

Along with professionals, gun industry expos and defense industry shows invariably attract a small but persistent crowd of haters determined to see them shutdown. Every couple of years some company is kicked out of a show for some minor infraction after a media “storm in a teacup”.

DSEi has all the latest lethal technology on display from warships to MANDAPS to grenades, but certain less/non-lethal equipment is banned from being promoted. Two companies were told to leave the show for handing out catalogs containing “prohibited” less-lethal technology at an arms expo, the irony of which was lost on the British media. The BBC reports (emphasis added)…

Two companies have been ejected from a UK arms fair for promoting illegal weapons, after an MP raised the issue.

A spokesman for the DSEI event in London’s Docklands said they were French firm Magforce International and Chinese company Tianjin Myway.

Green Party MP Caroline Lucas said the companies were promoting handheld projectile electric shock weapons, weighted leg cuffs and stun batons.

Organisers said HM Revenue and Customs enforced the law at the event.

A spokesman said the two companies were “found with literature in breach of British law”.

You can’t make this stuff up 🙂 Just to add to the irony, just three days ago the BBC reported that Taser use by police in the UK has doubled in the past few years

Police use of Tasers in England and Wales more than doubled between 2009 and 2011, according to Home Office figures.

The devices were used 7,877 times in 2011, compared with 3,328 in 2009.

In only about a quarter (25.7% in 2011) were they actually discharged. In most situations they were only readied or pointed as a warning.

I suppose anyone needed leg cuffs or shock collars in London this week will have to find the nearest erotica store 😉

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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  • Anonymoose Anonymoose on Sep 13, 2013

    What's the point, since only military and police are allowed to utilize anything at this expo (unless they had break-action shotguns and bolt-action rifles there), and even then are extremely restricted on their use? "Better martyred to incite a riot than in the hospital suing over police brutality"?

  • Joseph B Campbell Joseph B Campbell on Sep 18, 2013

    Sadistic tweets. Can't provide literature to the public, but it is OK for the Police and government to use them on citizens throughout the Union. You all make the fuehrer proud.
