Search: weapon mounted light

How many accessories is too much?

The below photo is of a Spanish solider carrying a H&K G36 rifle fitted with the Spanish Future Solider program (COMFUT / COMbatiente FUTuro) accessories. The rifle is equipped a huge day/night scope with integrated ballistic computer and camera. For close quarter [Read More…]

Metal Storm wins research contract

Metal Storm and General Dynamics have been awarded a research contract to develop a vehicle mounted non-lethal counter-personnel[^1] weapons system. Military & Areospace reports … The system is to dispense a new non-lethal munition that will incapacitate [Read More…]

Laser gun from the 60’s

Can any of you remember a time in your life where laser guns were not just a few years away? Sven found a photo that was published in a German military journal from 1964. Very rifle like. Click to expand. The caption: “The laser rifle…that was developed by [Read More…]

Ruger Charger Pistol

Ruger are now offering a pistol with the 10/22 action! This is big news. Many Ruger 10/22 fans long to be able to create ‘ultimate’ 10/22 pistols but you cannot legally take a rifle and convert it into a pistol. I predict that within a few months there are [Read More…]