Search: targets

Y-man in Atlanta February 2013!

Update from Y-man January – February 2013 (My FIRST self-posted guest post! Yay!). My previous post about my October visit to the USA is here. Well, hello all… Y-man here again. And when I say “here” I mean “HERE” in the USA on another visit. I came over [Read More…]

IWI Tavor “The Hammer”

I wouldn’t hesitate at all in saying the Tavor is one of the most anticipated guns to come down the pike in a good while. We have had a pretty good wait before they finally arrived on the market but as I write this distributors are beginning to get them in quantity. [Read More…]

Big 3 East 2013

The Big 3 East in Florida is an expansion of the original Big 3 event held at Kansas every Fall.  Both events were started by writers for writers. The Big 3 stands for Tactical gun, Tactical gear and Tactical training. All the companies and writers were handpicked and [Read More…]

The Adobe Shooters League

Imagine working in Silicon Valley for a great company. Now, imagine if this company also paid for you to shoot recreationally. Well, there is such a company, and you probably recognize their name. Adobe Systems Incorporated, headquartered in San Jose, California has [Read More…]

Gun Review: Glock 30S

The new .45ACP Glock 30S was born from a “hack” where Glock shooters tinkered a bit and married a 30SF frame with a 36 slide. These hackers felt that the 30SF was too bulky for concealed carry and that the 36, with its 6+1 capacity, did not hold enough [Read More…]

Guns Are The New Golf

Gun culture has come under pressure these last few years in Silicon Valley. Gun culture used to thrive within the geek/hacker community with open source hero Eric S. Raymond organizing Geeks With Guns events around the country. Cooperate gun clubs used to popular in [Read More…]

Leupold HAMR Multi-Range Scope

We all know the market is flooded with optics for the AR15 and similar rifles. However, this Leupold does stand out in the crowd for several reasons. I became interested in this optic when I ran into an acquaintance at the range who was running one on his AR. When I [Read More…]

Prototype RusEngin Bullet

A Russian inventor emailed me photos of his patent-pending bullet design. These bullets are loaded in 12.7×108mm cases. The inventor did not explain to me how this design is beneficial but according to a study done by the US Military in the 1950s (PDF Link), the center [Read More…]