LaserLyte Universal Shotgun Trainer LT-120




    LaserLyte Universal Shotgun Trainer is a sound activated laser that fits into any 12 and 20 gauge barrel. When the trigger is pulled the laser lights up, projecting 8 dots in a circular pattern and one dot at the center. The circle grows at one inch per yard of distance from the target. The trainer is going to sell for $219.95.



    LaserLyte®, innovators in firearms laser technologies, has released their first shotgun laser system, the LT-120 Universal Shotgun Trainer laser system. Now shotgunners, from beginners to seasoned pros, can perfect their swing and follow-through on targets, through the innovative LaserLyte® concentric laser system. The LaserLyte® LT-120 fits all 12 and 20 gauge semi-auto, pump, over-under and side-by-side shotguns. Shotgun training for home defense, target shooting or wing shooting can be learned and perfected in the comfort of one’s own home.

    The LaserLyte® LT-120 fits in the primary barrel’s muzzle-end and produces a sound-activated laser when the user pulls the trigger for each barrel (Example: 2 trigger pull clicks results in 2 activations). The LT-120 projects a ring of 8 red laser dots with one red laser dot in the center as the aiming laser. The circle grows at one-inch per yard, about the same configuration as the shotgun would when aimed at a moving target. The red laser circular pattern gives the user the advantage of a wide field-of-view while using both eyes for aiming. The LaserLyte® LT-120 allows shotgun shooters to build muscle reflex skills such as swing, follow-through and sight pattern identification.

    Steve Johnson

    I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!
