POTD: Danish Special Operations Command – SOKOM

    POTD: Danish Special Operations Command - SOKOM

    The Danish Special Operations Command - SOKOM.

    You’re watching and reading TFB’s Photo Of The Day, and today we’re looking at the Special Operations Command (SOKOM), known in Danish as Specialoperationskommandoen. They constitute a vital component of the Danish Armed Forces, operating within the framework of the Defence Command.

    The Heckler & Koch HK416 is not listed as equipment of the Royal Danish Army, but in the images, it certainly looks like that is what they’re using. The sights are EOTechs.

    Inaugurated in 2014, its primary objective was to integrate the Jaeger Corps (Jægerkorpset) and the Frogman Corps (Frømandskorpset) into a unified command structure. The command headquarters is situated at Aalborg Air Base.

    Below: The Øresund bridge in the background, which connects Sweden and Denmark.

    This boat has some big balls.

    Caption, machine-translated:

    The special operations command – SOKOM

    In the framework of the Special Operations Command – SOKOM, maritime special operations forces from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Poland and the USA have completed the Autumn Waves exercise in weeks 38-40.
    The exercise was conducted in a pre- and post-NATO Article 5 scenario against an equal adversary, with a focus on conflict management in the Arctic, the Nordics and the Baltic Sea region.
    The purpose of the exercise was to train deployment of maritime special operations capabilities in the framework of a Multinational Special Operations Maritime Task Group.
    The exercise covered maritime deployments on and below the water surface, infiltration and exfiltration over the coast, staying in enemy territory without external support, intelligence gathering, destruction of infrastructure and neutralization of key enemy personnel.
    Geographically, the exercise covered from Bornholm to Oksbøl and from Gedser to South Greenland.
    The purpose of the exercise was fulfilled, the tasks solved and the cooperation across the participating countries strengthened.

    Source: Specialoperationskommandoen – SOKOM
