NEW Obsolete Arms Smokewagon Speedloader

Doug E
by Doug E
NEW speedloaders for Kimber K6S

William, at Obsolete Arms, has designed a new foldable speedloader, that can maintain a flat profile for storage in a pocket, but when deployed, folds to the correct dimensions to reload the revolver all at once. William calls it the Smokewagon Speedloader, and he decided to start with the dimensions of a Kimber K6S cylinder, as he said that’s currently the smallest six-shot cylinder on the market, so once he finalizes the design, he can scale up Smokewagon Speedloaders for other popular revolvers.

Revolver Reloading Devices @ TFB:

Kimber Revolver Speedloader

Once the cartridges are loaded into the Smokewagon Speedloader, they are locked into the loader, and it can then be opened to a flat position for carrying. To close it, the tab has two buttons that need to be pressed, then once the cartridges are in the cylinder, the tab is pressed toward the cylinder and the Smokewagon Speedloader can then drop free. Obsolete Arms’ description can be seen below:

The Smokewagon Speedloader was designed to be easily carried, while still providing the user with the same speed and reliability as with any other conventional speedloader on the market.

Our speedloader can lock flat when carried. With a press of a button, our speedloader unlocks and acts like a standard push-release speedloader.

Weight : 1oz

Material : 3D printed Polycarbonate Thermally stable up to 200 Fahrenheit.

Grip Accommodation: Our speedloader is guaranteed to work with VZ grips. Due to the variety of grips on the market, we can’t guarantee that our speedloader will work with other company grips, without modification.

Kimber K6S speedloader

William has been told that his Smokewagon Speedloader should be compatible with Colt Cobra revolvers as well, but he stated that he hasn’t been able to confirm that yet. TFB is working with Obsolete Arms to test and evaluate this new speedloader, including with a Colt Cobra, so stay tuned for that. For interested wheelgunners, the Smokewagon is available at for $50.00. Obsolete Arms can be followed on Instagram and YouTube.

What do you think about this new speedloader?

Doug E
Doug E

Doug has been a firearms enthusiast since age 16 after getting to shoot with a friend. Since then he's taken many others out to the range for their first time. He is a husband, father, grandfather, police officer, outdoorsman, artist and a student of history. Doug has been a TFB reader from the start and is happy to be a contributor of content. Doug can be reached at battleshipgrey61 AT, or battleshipgrey61 on Instagram.

More by Doug E

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2 of 54 comments
  • James Ivy James Ivy on Dec 08, 2021

    Pretty neat, im not a revolver guy but ive been rocking old school meet new school H&R 732 with a urban carry locking holster and speed loader, I had to whip up some 32 S&W long cartridges with lehighs penetrators. Hence old meet new

  • Ted Unlis Ted Unlis on Dec 09, 2021

    $50? Hilarious! Believe I’ll pass. 😂
