POTD: Out In The Cold

    Photo Of The Day and yet another great photo by Hille James Combat Photographer. Today we’re looking at a photo he named “Out In The Cold“. We have a soldier in Multicam and an M2HB .50 Cal equipped with a Leupold scope and lots of other goodies. Just look at the gigantic flash hider.

    The tripod doesn’t look too steady for this type of application, and the sight in the photo below looks like being set to shoot really long ranges. In any case, what’s not to like when we have night vision, lasers and Multicam going on? A pair of gloves would probably have been nice after a while in this weather.

    Hille James Combat Photographer recently placed first in the Military Visual Awards (Combat Documentation Operational, which seems like a well-deserved win. You can find his Instagram here.

    What do you think of the photos here? Do you prefer staged photos like this or other types better?
