New B&T SPC9 – The Best Of All Worlds?

Eric B
by Eric B
The new B&T SPC9 Carbine

The Swiss company B&T has developed a new family of modular and hybrid semi-automatic carbines. Their name is SPC9 and they are chambered in 9×19 mm. To best describe it, you could say that it combines a B&T APC9 with a Heckler & Koch MP5 and an AR15. On top of that, various models also accepts either Glock or SIG magazines.

Did B&T go cherry-picking and combine all the best bits into one perfect firearm? Is this the best of all worlds? Until we evaluate and shoot it, we won’t know for sure, so until then we can only describe it and let you make your own mind up.

The gun has a closed bolt blowback action with a hydraulic recoil buffer system. A friend of mine has two old B&T APC9/223 which are fully automatic. He was very impressed with the buffer system.

From the AR15 design, we have the AR buffer tube extension that allows the use of the myriad of AR-15 stocks available, the pistol grip and the charging handle. From the Heckler & Koch MP5, we find the 3-lug barrel to mount a suppressor and the secondary (or primary depending on how you see it) charging handle, forward above the barrel. It is non-reciprocating, foldable and can be swapped left or right.

Depending on which lower you chose, you can use all double-stack 9×19 mm Glock magazines from 10 to 33 rounds. Or you can use SIG P320, M17 and M18 magazines.

Here is the description from B&T Switzerland:

The SPC9 is a new 9mm carbine that incorporates many of the features found on the B&T APC9, MP5 and common AR platforms of weapons. It provides excellent handling, accuracy, safety, and a very low recoil impulse thanks to the innovative hydraulic buffer.

The most innovative aspect of this product is that it can be modified by the user to accept any Glock 9mm magazine.

This provides flexibility, cost saving and inter-operability between team members.

Features that are common to the AR platform are:

• AR style telescopic stock
• Non-reciprocating “T” charging handle on top of the receiver
• AR style pistol grip
Features that are commonly found on the MP5 are:
• 3-Lug suppressor mounting
• Second, folding, non-reciprocating cocking handle located above the barrel
APC9 features are:
• 100% ambidextrous trigger group
• Ability to accept B&T 9mm 10/15/20/25/30 round magazines
• Hydraulic buffer
The lower can be exchanged to accept:
• All Glock double column 9mm Glock magazines from 10-round to 33-round sizes
• All SIG Sauer P320/M17/M18 magazines

Below are shown the current models:

BT-500001 – B&T Semi-automatic SPC9 Carbine

BT-500001-PDW – B&T Semi-automatic Personal Defense Weapon

BT-500001-SD – B&T Semi-automatic Suppressed Carbine

The specifications:

I was not able to find any pricing yet. The SPC9 is not yet on B&T’s US website but it was displayed at this year’s AUSA expo.

You can find the website of B&T Switzerland here:

What do you think of the new B&T SPC9?

Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

More by Eric B

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