POTD: Texas Dove Hunt, First Person Shooter Mode

    POTD: Texas Dove Hunt

    This Photo Of The Day comes to us from Redditor “AnotherFishTail”.  The photo was from a screen capture from AnotherFishTail’s GoPro video camera.  Despite the grainier composition of the photo, it still captures the spirit of the moment and allows the viewer to imagine they were there.  The photo of the dove hunt seems to broadcast the heat of the sun, the dust in the air, and the flutter of dove’s wings.

    Someone on Reddit posed the question about how the shooter mounted his GoPro camera.  AnotherFishTail explained that he simply drilled an appropriately sized hole in the hat he wore, then attached the GoPro tripod mount directly to the hat bill.  I enjoy seeing people’s creative ad hoc set-ups, especially when they work.

    POTD: Texas Dove Hunt

    POTD: Texas Dove Hunt

    The video below is the footage from which AnotherFishTail took the screen capture for the title photo.

    You can view AnotherFishTail’s original Reddit thread HERE.  What do you think about this Photo Of The Day?  Does it put you in the mood to get behind a shotgun?
