A Closer Look at Accuracy with the UIC ADM4 Mod2

Richard L.
by Richard L.
The Magpul Magpod was a nice addition for a little extra stabilization when shooting off a bag.

Refining the Accuracy Test

For those that have not yet read the full review, I recently did an article on the UIC ADM4 Mod2 that you can find HERE. In that article, I did a brief accuracy test using an Aimpoint T2 and Wolf Gold 55 grain ammunition. The rifle performed well considering the factors evaluated, but many wanted to see the full capabilities of the rifle using match ammunition and a magnified optic.

Adding Magnification

A magnified optic does not make a rifle more accurate, but it does allow the shooter to see better, refining the groups a shooter can produce at distance. For a magnified optic, I used a Leupold Mark 6 with a TMR reticle. The 6 power was more than enough for my needs out to 100 yards. Testing with a low power variable optic (LPVO) would also help those with an LPVO have a reasonable expectation for accuracy. The Mark 6 was mounted on a Larue QD mount for testing.
This Mark 6 has a thin Tactical Milling Reticle (TMR), making accuracy testing easy.

Match Ammunition

Ammunition can also play a factor and while I have had good luck with Wolf Gold for training, Black Hills 77 grain open tip match (OTM) has performed very well in accuracy testing. This evaluation was no exception.
I used Black Hills 77 grain OTM for accuracy testing.

How Did it Perform?

After a quick zero, I shot two groups. Both were 3 round groups. At 25 yards, my 3 round group was approximately half an inch.
Even at 25 yards, the shot group improved over the previous testing.
At 100 yards was where I was really interested in seeing how the rifle performed. The initial shot group had a flier due to shooter error during testing. That made a true evaluation difficult. This time all 3 shots broke clean and produced a decent grouping. At 100 yards you can see that the 3 shot group was within about 7/8ths of an inch.
With good glass, match ammo and a decent shooter, this rifle can shoot sub MOA at 100 yards.


I expected the results to improve with match ammunition and a magnified optic. This was stated in the original article. I did not expect the results to show sub MOA performance at 100 yards!

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Richard L.
Richard L.

Richard lives in southern Indiana and has a strong interest in training, modified pistols, optics, and low profile gear/tactics. Some may consider it hoarding or some form of addiction, but he never tires in his pursuits as a stamp and lumen collector!For any corrections, input, or interest in posts, you can reach him at rlidelldsg@gmail.com.

More by Richard L.

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2 of 32 comments
  • Nicks87 Nicks87 on Aug 30, 2019

    Black hills ammo is some black magic! Or maybe just really good quality control...

  • Slovko Slovko on Sep 02, 2019

    Kind of a disappointing article. A cherry-picked 3 shot group tells us practically nothing about a rifle's accuracy or precision. You can reproduce similar groups w/ practically any barrel. Multiple 5, or better yet 3 10 shot groups are becoming the gold standard for judging barrel performance and is a far better way to determine a barrels full potential.
