TFB FIELD STRIP: CZ75 Pistol And Licensed Copies
In the previous post about Browning High Power, I already talked about the fact that great weapon designs are not always appreciated at the time of their invention. CZ75 is definitely one of those designs.
Developed in Czechoslovakia in 1975 by František Koucký, it did not become a standard army handgun in its own country until 1989, despite the fact that it clearly surpassed any other pistol used by Warsaw Pact at the time.
So, instead of being used in its home country or by other Communist Block Eastern European states, CZ 75 slowly made its way into the international market, including Canada and the UK.
This situation is particularly ironic, given the fact that at the same time, newly formed hostage rescue units that were created in the Soviet Union after Munich Olympics terrorist attack, did not have a proper combat handgun. They had to use anemic low-capacity Makarov pistols, which might be good enough for self-defense, but certainly, are not the best choice when you have to deal with actual terrorists.
Bewildered by such a poor choice of a sidearm, Soviet Tier One special units tried to modify Makarovs and even used 1911s, primarily those which remained in storage since WW2 when the US send a large number of arms and ammunition through Lend-Lease program.
No one in the Soviet Union or other Eastern block countries recognized the potential of a new CZ75 pistol, but someone else did. Weapon manufacturers in Italy, Turkey, Israel, Switzerland, Romania, and several other countries quickly noticed advantages of CZ75 design and started manufacturing copies of the original pistols. Perhaps, two most famous copies are Israeli Jericho and Italian Tanfoglio.
Now, CZ75 variants are available on the US market and dominate practical shooting sports, but you can also find them in the warzones all around the globe. CZ 75 disassembly is quite simple, just remember:
BEFORE YOU FIELD STRIP ANY WEAPON, REMEMBER the four rules of gun safety:
- All guns are always loaded.
- Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
- Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
- Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.
TFB FIELD STRIP: CZ75 Pistol And Licensed Copies
Step 1.
Point your pistol in a safe direction and remove the magazine. The pistol must not be disassembled with the magazine inserted. If the pistol is equipped with a manual safety shift it to the „Safety-Off“ position in order that the slide can be manipulated.
Step 2.
Make sure that there is no cartridge in the chamber!
Step 3.
Put your left thumb through the trigger guard and with the other fingers grasp the top of the front part of the slide firmly. There are two vertical lines on the rear part of the frame and slide. Push the slide slightly back to align both lines.
Step 4.
Keeping the lines aligned, push (tap) the slide stop from the right-hand side of the weapon, if necessary, use the magazine base.
Remove the slide stop from the left.
Step 5.
Pull the slide and the barrel forward off the frame.
Step 6.
Remove the recoil spring and guide rod.
And finally, remove the barrel.
No further disassembly is needed for routine maintenance.
Reassemble in the reverse order and do a function check.
If you would like to know more, you can download the CZ 75 manual here
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Vladimir Onokoy is a small arms subject matter expert and firearms instructor. Over the years he worked in 20 different countries as a security contractor, armorer, firearms industry sales representative, product manager, and consultant. His articles were published in the Recoil magazine, Small Arms Review, Small Arms Defence Journal, and Silah Report. He also contributed chapters to books from the "Vickers Guide: Kalashnikov" series. Email: machaksilver at gmail dot com. Facebook: Instagram: YouTube:
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My first CZ was a CZ-75B stainless matte finish. It was purchased used, and is a great gun and a great shooter.
Since then I have purchased a Custom Shop CZ75 Shadow SA, a PO-7, and a PO-9. All great guns IMHO.
That CZ has seen hard use, neglect, or both. Tape holding the bottom of the grip in alignment?