Featured Deals of the Week – 4/12/19

Benjamin F
by Benjamin F

Welcome back to another weekly deals post. As always feel free to let me know in the comments if you want to see more deals of one kind of thing or another.

HK VP9 and a Free box of Hornady critical duty – $100 off

Image and Description Provided by Interstate Guns
What the deal is:

Although influenced by other HK models, the VP9 has all the hallmarks of the latest, state-of-the-art handgun. All controls are completely ambidextrous. Slide releases are present on both sides of the frame. Additionally, the magazine release can be easily activated by left- or right-handed shooters. These guns come highly recommended by our resident HK fanboy, Austin R.

Benjamin F
Benjamin F

Benjamin is a law student living in Maryland. He was introduced to firearms at summer camp when he was thirteen. Ever since his first shot with a .22LR bolt-action he has been in love with shooting sports. He is a moderator on the TFB Discord, which can be found at https://discord.gg/bcVD9zw, and can occasionally be found on twitter @BFriedmanUSA.

More by Benjamin F

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5 of 7 comments
  • Cymond Cymond on Apr 13, 2019

    Our of curiosity, I added 3 boxes of ammo to the cart and started checkout to see the shipping price. Apparently $5 shipping? I don't buy ammo online often, but that seems very good!

  • Foxyalmondi Foxyalmondi on Apr 15, 2019

    So has anyone ever actually found out what hst stands for;)

    • Mike Mike on Apr 18, 2019

      @foxyalmondi In 2002, Federal Premium introduced its HST ammunition, which was intended for—and sales were restricted to—law enforcement. This "tactical" ammunition featured a new bullet designated "HST." Some hypothesized the abbreviation stood for "Hi-Shok Two," but in reality it was just a name.Sep 21, 2017
