[SHOT 2019] MarColMar's CETME-L
Roller Locked and Ready to Rock
MarColMar has been hard at work. After 2 years of effort, and 2 million dollars spent in production, their CETME-L reproductions are shipping out to customers. These are full guns, not a kit that you have to weld, bend and pin together at home. These feature new CHF nitrided 1:7 twist barrels and brand new 600 ton stamped flats made in-house at MarColMar. They are fully 922(r) compliant because the only use 8 imported parts: The hammer, sear, guide rod, front sight tower, rear sight, bolt, rollers, and flash hider.
Production models have FANUC Arc robot welds. The Robot can weld a receiver together in 1:42. (MarColMar has some pretty cool video of their robot welding on their site) For optic mounting purposes, they do offer a model with a rail on top of the receiver. All furniture is brand new, made in the USA out of Nylon 6 polymer. MarColMar went to the extra trouble of having a special die made to get the shell deflector bend above the ejection port correct. These rifles come Cerakoted in your choice of green, black, or FDE, with furniture in the same color.
The MSRP of the MarColMar CETME-L is $1495.
Initial Impressions
When I picked one up off the rack, I noticed how well done the Cerakote is in each color. The rifles all charged very smoothly. To be sure, they do not have a match trigger, but the trigger pull and reset isn’t bad at all. The selector was smooth to operate, and clicked positively into place in safe and fire.
The CETME-L will ship to your FFL with a translated Spanish army manual as well as MarColMar’s own manual, a 30 round magazine where legal, and some gun oil. Weight is 7.5 lbs. I asked what kind of accuracy they were getting with 62gr bullets, and they said roughly 2″ at 100y. Not bad for a milsurp rifle with a design from over 30 years ago. All CETME-L’s will be backed by a one year warranty on MarColMar’s parts and labor. For more information and to order, please visit MarColMar.
Having always had a passion for firearms, Rusty S. has had experience in gunsmithing, firearms retail, hunting, competitive shooting, range construction, as an IDPA certified range safety officer and a certified instructor. He has received military, law enforcement, and private training in the use of firearms. Editor at Outdoorhub.com
More by Rusty S.
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So is Hill and Mac going to buy these to fill their orders ;)
The problems the originals had has been fixed on this rebuild. Most of the issue was with the original mags, out of specs and weak springs. Most of the problems these had were in FA, not SA. Also the SB ammo they used in these guns back in the day was way too hot and only added to problems. Also all the springs have been upgraded as many had weak recoil springs and weak extractor springs. All this fixed took away the problems the originals had. These guns are probably more in spec and better crafted than the original, not to mention the CHF new made barrels are way better than what was on them. The original guns had issues, but really they had less problems then the M16/AR when first fielded. Had they kept with it and fixed the small problems these would have been as good as a HK33 or AR15. It's really a new gun now.