Strike Industries AR magazines in development

Eric B
by Eric B

About a year ago TFB reported about the upcoming Strike Industries AR-15 Magazine. To my knowledge this magazine is not available, and never was. On the other hand there was (to my knowledge) never a delivery date promised.

Fast Forward to today, the SI AR15 magazine seem to still be in the works and in development.

The majority of the design seems to be the same, but both in the drawing and the previous picture we cannot see the top of the magazine. The design reminds med a bit of the HERA Arms magazines, check here for a reference.

Here’s the teaser from SI:

Strike Industries AR Magazines will have more functions than you can imagine. It has cool looks with amazing functions. A utility patent is pending.
Stay tuned! Who’s excited?

Will there be a 10 to 30 conversion? .458 SOCOM compatibility? Metal or Polymer feeding lips?

Here’s a copy of the picture Strike Industries attached:

The estimated time of delivery for these magazines are beginning of 2018, so not too far away.

Which features do you think they’ll have? What are you looking for in a magazine that you don’t get with your current ones? Feeding your firearm bullets on a regular basis – anything else?

You can find Strike Industries’ homepage here.

Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

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  • El Duderino El Duderino on Nov 09, 2017

    Unless you can improve upon the PMAG for the same price or less, you're doomed to be a niche product. That's the bar.

  • Jason Jason on Nov 10, 2017

    I like the lancer mags because of the steel feedlips and they don't buldge out like my pmags over time. Currently 300 blk just falls out of my pmags but not my lancers, admittedly this doesn't happen with 5.56. However, I would like to see the lancer design improved by molding the steel feedlips inside the polymer instead of on the outside of the polymer (similar to a glock mag). I feel this would be more durable. I'm not holding my breath on this though. If Strike holds true to their roots, these will be a good option at a great price, and they will work. More than likely they will be available in some cool colors too. I can't complain about competition of any sort, just helps drive prices down.
