LASR App Training Software | NRA 17

Patrick R
by Patrick R

The LASR App training software allows you to get the data you need to get the most out of your dry fire practice for a fraction of what other guys are charging.

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Patrick R
Patrick R

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  • Blake Blake on May 02, 2017

    This product has saved me hundreds of dollars over time. I use it in conjunction with a DryFireMag (Glock resetting trigger magazine), a LaserLyte G19 laser barrel (activated by the DFM), and a SIRT laser AR bolt (and a handful of cardboard targets). It allows me to set up ranges in my room (using LASR's standard, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/6 size cardboard targets) that I can set drills for and test my results over time. I've seen my sidearm draw-to-fire time, first shot accuracy and consistency, and target transition time all improve.

    The setup cost me a decent amount upfront, but being able to accurately train without the cost of ammo has saved me god know's how much money over time. I can't suggest this kind of training enough.

  • MattCFII MattCFII on May 02, 2017

    As the others have said, LASR has improved my shooting greatly and the guys are always looking to improve the software! I use my SIRT pistol and AR bolt with it.
