FNH FNS 9/40 Compact

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

I got a chance to take a closer look at FNH’s new FNS Compact at the Great American Outdoor Show this past weekend. Just like their existing FNS pistols, the FNS compact is a striker fired polymer framed pistol. It has all the same features as the full size and long slide variants.

From top to bottom: FNS9 long slide (no safety), FNS9 (no safety), FNS9C (with safety)

It has completely ambidextrous controls without the need to alter or change anything. It is offered in 9mm and .40 S&W. They also offer it with or without a manual safety. They are drop safe and the trigger has a pivot style detent safety similar to the M&P pistol trigger.

The FNS compact comes with three magazines; a full size FNS magazine with a grip sleeve and two short magazines. I was told one will have the pinky extension and the other one is flush for conceal carry.

Here is the FNS 9C with a full size FNS 9 magazine. They did not have a grip sleeve at the show.

In 9mm the capacity is 17/12 and for .40 S&W it is 14/10.

Here are some specs:

  • Length: 6.7 in.
  • Barrel Length: 3.6 in.
  • Sight Radius: 5.6 in.
  • Trigger pull: 5.5-7.5 lbs.

They will come in an assortment of features. As I said you can get them with or without a manual safety. They will have black or stainless slides as well as three dot sights or three dot night sights.

MSRP is $599.

I would compare this to the M&P Compact. Very similar in size and capacity. Some people are trying to compare the FNS compact to a Glock 19 or Glock 26. However the M&P compact and the FNS Compact fit in between the Glock 19 and 26 in terms of size and capacity.

With the pinky extension and the aggressive texture, the pistol feels very controllable.

Even though the FNS Compact MSRP is higher than the M&P Compact, it has better features for the price. As I said above, the FNS is completely ambidextrous. The M&P Compacts do have ambi slide stops and optional ambi safeties, but the magazine release has to be switched around for a left handed shooter. Not needed with the FNS Compact. The FNS Compacts also come with three magazines whereas the the M&P Compacts only come with two compact magazines. The full size FNS 9 17rd magazine retails for $44 alone. Well worth the extra cost. The FNS Compact has forward slide serrations, something only found on the M&P 45 pistols.

I wish I could have had a chance to try shooting one and compare it to a M&P Compact side by side.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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4 of 15 comments
  • Spencer60 Spencer60 on Feb 10, 2015

    The FNS is the best polymer gun nobody ever heard of.

    • See 1 previous
    • Fishydude Fishydude on Mar 06, 2015

      @Don Vanemon Got both too. Love them.

  • Fishydude Fishydude on Mar 06, 2015

    I have both the FNS9 and the FNS9C. Because the 9C is identical to the 9, exceptt shorter grip and slide, I can use my kydex hybrid holsters for both. And for the 9C I added a single clip leather IWB holster.
    Love them both.
    The only reason I might sell my larger FNS9 is to buy a FNX-45.
    FNH and H&K seem to be the only companies making fully ambidextrous pistols for us south paws. Only my wife's CCP isn't ambi. The other 3 pistols in the house are.
