FNH USA Cuts MSRP of Black FNS-9 and FNS-40 Pistols

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

FNH USA sent out a press release saying that they have cut the price of 14 different FNS-9 and FNS-40 variants by $100. Only black models have been discounted. According to the press release the price cut is because high sales volumes have allowed them to decrease costs and therefor price. From the press release …

“We are pleased that the FNS™ line has been so popular,” said Mark Cherpes, President and CEO of FNH USA. “Because our sales volume was so high in 2013, we were able to reduce our production costs enough to realize a savings we are now passing down to our customers. We hope consumers will take advantage of this new, lower price and choose an FNS™ when they are shopping for a new pistol.”

“Since launching the FNS™ line of striker-fired pistols in 2012, it has been exciting to see how well-received they have been by all firearms enthusiasts no matter if they are looking for a competition pistol or a reliable handgun for home defense,” said Ken Pfau, FNH USA Senior Vice President of Commercial and Law Enforcement Sales. “We believe their popularity is due in large part to the fact that it is one of the only fully-ambidextrous striker-fired pistols on the market today and its low bore axis significantly reduces recoil so it’s a much more enjoyable and controlled shooting experience.”

The new price schedule …

If I don’t post this disclaimer, my inbox is going to be full of emails from unhappy gun dealers: this cut is the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP), not the retail price. If, for example, a retailer is already selling a FN-S pistol for below the new MSRP, they are not obliged to drop their retail price by the same amount as the drop in MSRP.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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2 of 13 comments
  • Kefefs Kefefs on Apr 29, 2014

    Funny, I added an FNS to my wishlist in December and wrote down the MSRP at the time. It was $599, and I could only find it through Gallery of Guns since FN's website no longer shows MSRP (or even model numbers).

    It looks like they just raised the price of the stainless models, then passed it off as lowering the price of the black models.

    Shameful display, FN. I wouldn't expect this from you.

  • Dat bee tru Dat bee tru on May 04, 2014

    hoping they make the FNS/FNX 9mm but in a compact, maybe the size of a sig 290RS, M+P Shield, ect. I like the ambi features
