Remington: "NBC Doesn't Hesitate to Edit the Truth"

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

NBC has been trying to make out that the Remington shotgun trigger group is fundamentally flawed. They cherry picked their evidence. Remington responds …

Next time you wonder why your factory gun comes with a painfully heavy trigger remember the above video. I hope that this saga will not result in the entire industry bumping up their trigger pulls by another 1/2 pound.

On a side note: I have modified my Remington shotgun and lightened the trigger to a very light 2.5 lbs.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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  • Edward Dark Edward Dark on May 09, 2012

    To selectively tar NBC with that particular brush seems unfair, in that I have been observing all the major media "misspeak" and or make statements that were later defined as "inoperative" for over forty years.
    Though it is refreshing to see actual documentation of a biased hit piece when a "suspicion" is being raised.

    I remember all the major media playing the denial game while calling it balanced reporting with regard to the dangers of tobacco products. Yes, I smoked , a lot and I knew that I was playing russian roulette in doing so and everyone I knew was well aware of the dangers of chew ,smoke or snuff and pipes. I sure hated the "Balanced Reporting that was designed to deliberately muddied the waters.

    If Remington, or any other manufacturer made products as flawed as NBC's quality control all the major manufacturers would have been out of business years ago.

  • Grandpa Grandpa on May 28, 2012

    NBC has been noted for lie'r since the Vietnam War. Twisting the facts and telling it in a way that the Liberals want to hear it. With there noses so far up obamas but that's all they know how to work. I feel sorry fore the American sheep who believe all there garbage. Rant over
