
Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

As a child I was taught the concept of inflation with this analogy:

If Joe has 1000 oranges and you really really want one how much would you pay? If Joe has 1 orange and you really really want it how much would you be willing to pay?

I never forgot the story of the guy with oranges that “I really really wanted”. Anyway, here is a modified version of the story:

If Joe has 1000 SCAR 16s rifles and you really really want one how much would you pay? If Joe has 1 SCAR 16s rifle and you really really want it how much would you be willing to pay? Answer: $9500

Checkout this gunbroker auction

Michael Bane commented that while the SCAR is cool, 10 AR-15s are a much better!

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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3 of 8 comments
  • K. D. K. D. on Jan 18, 2009

    We have gone mad on the prices of "black" rifles in this nation....

  • Jason Jason on Jan 20, 2009

    To jdun1911, I paid $2895.00 before tax. I think that is still too much money for the rifle however. I paid less than $1500.00 for my sig 5.56 used. It is crazy what people are trying to sell scars for on gun broker. I will not be shooting mine anytime soon just in case I did get some kind of rare special edition model. On the flip side I would NOT sell mine for $9500.00. I really lucked out getting one for a fair price.

    • Steve Steve on Jan 20, 2009

      @Jason Jason, good price! I would be very tempted to sell it if I had one for that price! Make an extra $500-$1000 and buy an AR-15 :)
