Tag: culture

Gun Power Screwdriver

Gadgetsandgear.com are selling a gun shaped rechargeable power screw driver for $40. I am torn between how cool this is, and feeling the need to preach the message of gun safety. Children might get the wrong idea about guns if they see an adult in the house using a [Read More…]


I may have been the last person on the internet to watch this video, but it made my day. It is hilarious. In the video he keeps refering to “midcaps” which was a term I needed to google. Apparently it is an airsoft term for magazines with a 100 – 200 [Read More…]

A Salt Shooting Gun

The BugASalt allows you to shoot a pinch of salt, shotgun style, at insects. If only the range was longer than three feet … [ Many thanks to Sven (Defence and Freedom) for emailing me the the info. ]

LEGO Heavy Weapons

The “working” Lego guns featured in the new LEGO Heavy Weapons book are amazing. I love the shotgun and Enfield. The book is written by a 17 year old! It is selling for $24.95 at NoStrach. Use coupon code ARMORY and get 30 percent off.

Gun Architecture

Architizer.com reports on these “gun architecture” drawings by French artist Baptiste DeBombourg… “One can kill a man as easily with a dwelling as with an axe!” Artist Baptiste DeBombourg takes literal this famous damnation of Heinrich Zille, only [Read More…]

Nerf Guns Back in 1941

Boys will always be boys. Before guns they made pretend swords out of sticks. Before swords they made clubs. The invention of the gun presented unique challenges to boys the world over. My attempts at building a gun involved a lot of elastic and usually ended up being [Read More…]

Weird Gun / Trophy Art

The following artwork is by Peter Gronquist from his “The Evolution Will Be Fabulous” collection … Not something I would put in my house, but pretty nifty. [ Many thanks to Erik for emailing us the link. ]

Pistol Door Handle

From Boing Boing … The “Bang Bang Handle” is a door-handle made from a 9 mm Makarov semi-automatic pistol (“the personal weapon of the Soviet and post-Soviet armed forces and law enforcement”). It was designed by Nikita Kovalev, who [Read More…]

.50 BMG Bottle Opener

Vat19 is selling a very nifty bottle-opener make from a demilitarized .50 BMG round. The bottle openers are priced at $20 and a portion of the proceeds go to Travis Manion Foundation. The site is currently out of stock but they say they will be getting more in tomorrow. [Read More…]

AppleSauce iPad Decal

If I had an iPad I would be getting this decal … In 1964 MIT professor Dr. Harold Edgererton presented to his students a lecture titled “How to Make Applesauce”to introduce his breakthrough photograph. Using high speed photography and a strobe light [Read More…]

Making the World a Better Place

At the TEDxAmsterdam conference General Peter van Uhm, Chief of the Netherlands Defense Staff, eloquently explains why he chose the gun, instead of the pen or the brush, to make the world a better place. It should be noted that in 2008 the General lost his son, First [Read More…]

Gun Mug

ThinkGeek is selling these nifty gun mugs … I love the ThinkGeek humor: “Gun mug safety is no joke. Keep your gun mug properly maintained and clean at all times” 🙂 [ Many thanks to Rolf for emailing me the link. ]

En-Bloc Clip Lighter

The Swordfish Bullet Clip Lighter is a refillable butane torch-style lighter that resembles a Garand En-Bloc clip. At $8.50 on Amazon it would make a great stocking filler for any gun nut. [ Many thanks to Mik for emailing me the link. ]

DIY Spear Guns

The Atlantic published a photo of fishermen in Bangkok using homemade above-water spear guns. Those stocks look like they were lifted straight off old rifles. [ Many thanks to Mirza for emailing me the link. ]

Gun Ownership At 18 Year High.

According to a Gallup phone survey, self-reported gun ownership is the highest it has been since 1993. What is especially encouraging is the increase in self-reported female gun ownership in the past couple of years. [Hat Tip: ZeroHedge] [ Many thanks to jdun1911 for [Read More…]

Chicks with Guns

Much has been written about the relationship men have with guns. Photographer Lindsay McCrum’s new book Chicks with Guns1 instead explores the relationship between woman and guns. The photography looks amazing. I will definitely be buying a copy. MSBN reports [Read More…]

Meats Guns … uurgghhhh

I have blogged about soap guns, gold guns, ice guns, lego guns and chocolate guns but I never thought I would be blogging about meat guns. These “guns” were made by the artist Dimitri Tsykalov. Remember kids, that just because Lady Gaga did it once, does not [Read More…]