Concealed Carry Corner: Simple Range Drills

    Concealed Carry Corner: Simple Range Drills

    Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about the pros and cons of metal and polymer-framed handguns. If you happened to miss that article or just want to check it out, be sure to click the link here to take a look. This week, I wanted to address some simple drills someone can do at the range that take almost no materials and can be done with almost anything. I get a fair amount of questions about easy drills to do with little to no materials. Let’s take a closer look at some simple conceal carry range drills.

    Concealed Carry Corner @ TFB:

    Concealed Carry Corner: Simple Range Drills

    Bill Drill

    One of the easiest drills for anyone to do has to be the “Bill Drill.” The classic Bill Drill is just six rounds into a target as fast as you can shoot. Typically, I will shoot them on a standard cardboard silhouette since those are the targets I typically will use at the range. You certainly don’t have to use a cardboard target and can use a paper plate or even a piece of paper to make sure all your hits make contact. To track your results the best, I will use a shot timer but simply using the timer on your phone and trying to stop it when you’re shooting will be a good alternative.

    This allows you to practice drawing from your holster, as well as your trigger control and cadence. It doesn’t take much at all and really boils down to firing 6 rounds into a target as fast as you can while accurately hitting the target. If you want to make this drill more complex, add additional targets or include a reload while transitioning between targets. This allows the drills to be as simple or complex as you’d like to make it. It’s a simple drill but adds value to new shooters as well as experienced ones who have carried for years.

    Mozambique Drill

    Another great drill that doesn’t take much effort to set up would be the Mozambique drill. This drill is also known as the failure drill or failure to stop drill. This is an older drill but it still proves to be relevant today. The Mozambique drill consists of firing two rounds into the body of your target and then transitioning to the head and firing a single round. This again lets people train to draw from concealment, and fire accurate shots quickly but also allows them to practice transitioning to the head to fire the final shot. This adds a bit more complexity than the Bill drill.

    This drill can be combined with the Bill drill or even be done as a double Mozambique drill to create even more target transition training as well as throttle control. Having the ability to mix and match drills makes shooting fresh instead of getting bored with just one drill. If you’re someone who doesn’t want to spend extra money on targets, you can always put two pieces of paper or plates on a target stand and shoot it just to keep costs to a minimum. If you haven’t tried the Mozambique drill, I would highly recommend it.

    El Presidente Drill

    One of the most famous drills in IDPA is the El Presidente drill. This drill was originally developed by Jeff Cooper when he was a part of a security detail for a South American president. This drill consists of three targets with 1-2 feet between them. The shooter will start with their hands up and their back facing the targets. At the starting buzzer, the shooter will turn around, draw their handgun and fire two rounds into the center of each target, reload, and then engage each target again with two more shots. This drill has become extremely well known and is the most complex drill on this list.

    The El Presidente drill will be a total of 12 rounds with each string consisting of 6 rounds just like the Bill drill as well as the Mozambique drill. This means you can do a modified version of the El Presidente drill where you can add two rounds to the check with a mandatory reload and then one round to the head on the way back. You can add all kinds of variations. With these three drills and mixing in each to create your own variation, you can truly have a number of options to practice different drills while keeping it fresh and fun while training. Each of these drills add in their own set of skills to work on and they all apply to training for a concealed carry situation. I highly recommend this drill as well.

    Overall Thoughts

    Working on the fundamentals of shooting is a fantastic way to start, but at a certain point, it’ll be important to start adding in more complex drills and challenging yourself. These are some great drills that will push your boundaries and will allow you to mix and match drills within your training session to set a benchmark and progress with your shooting skills in time.

    What are some of your favorite drills to push yourself? Do you guys use any of these skills as a benchmark to see how your shooting skills are coming along? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. If you have questions on concealed carry, shooting drills, or anything else, be sure to message me on Instagram @fridgeoperator. Stay safe out there and we will see you next week for another edition of Concealed Carry Corner.

    TFB’s Concealed Carry Corner is brought to you by GLOCK


    I’m an avid shooter and love educating whether it’s at my job or in the shooting community. I’m an average joe that really loves talking with other people about firearms and other passions.
    I’m active on Instagram on @fridgeoperator.
