AMMO Inc Gains Board of Directors Seat at SAAMI

Luke C.
by Luke C.

SAAMI, (Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute) plays a vital role in the firearms industry by setting and maintaining standards for firearms, ammunition, and their components. As an association comprised of leading firearms and ammunition manufacturers, SAAMI serves as the authoritative source for technical expertise, safety protocols, and industry coordination that makes things like manufacturing firearms safe for everyone – not just those who developed the technology. Through extensive research, testing, and collaboration, SAAMI ensures that firearms and ammunition meet rigorous performance and safety standards, promoting responsible manufacturing and enhancing the overall safety and reliability of firearms in the sporting and commercial markets. SAAMI just recently announced that they’ve added a new board of directors seat for AMMO Inc – known not just for producing ammunition, but also for being the principal owner of the gun auction website With this seat on the board of directors, AMMO Inc will have a direct influence on things like cartridge standardization.

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AMMO Inc Gains Board of Directors Seat at SAAMI

SHELTON, Conn — The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute®, Inc., (SAAMI®), is pleased to announce that AMMO, Incorporated, has joined SAAMI as a Voting Member. AMMO, Inc., is a manufacturer of ammunition and is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona.

“We are very pleased to have AMMO, Inc., join the SAAMI family,” said Joe Bartozzi, SAAMI’s President and CEO. “They are joining a long list of leading manufactures who are at the forefront of promoting firearm safety by the creation of standards that ensure the safety, reliability, and interchangeability of firearms and ammunition.”

As a new Voting Member, AMMO, Inc., will have a seat on the SAAMI Board of Directors and representation and voting privileges on committees. They will have the ability to introduce new cartridges for SAAMI standardization and will have full access to SAAMI firearms and ammunition technical standards, as well as the reference ammunition program assessments. This status also lets AMMO, Inc.’s customers know they support the work SAAMI does for the entirety of the industry and the safety of participants of the shooting sports.

AMMO Inc encompasses a wide variety of smaller companies including the previously mentioned, as well as some more well-known ammo companies and brands like /stelTH/ subsonic ammo, STREAK, as well as their JMC Brass family of ISO 9001:2015 certified rifle and pistol brass. For more news from AMMO Inc and SAAMI, you can check out our archive of news here.

Luke C.
Luke C.

Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:

More by Luke C.

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9 of 12 comments
  • IOJ IOJ on Jul 18, 2023

    Why does SAAMI still exists ? To release technical data in obsolete units of measure ? The C.I.P. does a better job than them anyway.

    • See 4 previous
    • David Knuth David Knuth on Jul 20, 2023

      @IOJ The units of measure are only obsolete when they are no longer widely used as both the standard units of measure for commerce and the standard units by which other standards and manufacturing processes are measured and gauged.

      As such, as much as we may dislike having a disparate set of measurement units, it's not likely to change any time soon.

      Of course, you're always free to base your data on C.I.P. standards and alternate measurement systems, nobody's stopping you. That's the beauty of having a free choice.

  • Andrew Andrew on Jul 19, 2023

    Why on Earth do they picture .45ACP “Stelth, specifially designed for use with suppressors” in a moon clip? There are no .45ACP moon clip guns that can be reasonably silenced, that I know of.
