TFB B-Side Podcast: Gunsmithing with TFB Writers Rusty S and Sam S

    TFB B-Side Podcast: Gunsmithing with TFB Writers Rusty S and Sam S

    Photo by Sam S

    Gunsmithing is one of those professions that has kind of fallen to the wayside but is still very essential in this country. Your average gun owner probably doesn’t know much about their firearm beyond its basic operating principles and to a certain extent, you really don’t need to know every single tiny detail about your firearm in order to use it effectively. However, sometimes when things go wrong or you’re looking for a certain level of polish or customization, gunsmiths can swoop in to save your bacon with their knowledge and experience. Today I’ve brought on fellow TFB writers Rusty S and Sam S (no relation) to talk all about their gunsmithing experiences, tips, and stories for all of you to enjoy. For more gunsmithing content, be sure to check out Sam S’s ongoing series the TFB Armorer’s Bench.

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    TFB B-Side Podcast: Gunsmithing with TFB Writers Rusty S and Sam S

    Photo By Sam S.

    TFB B-Side Podcast: Gunsmithing with TFB Writers Rusty S and Sam S

    Today on the B-Side podcast I’ve brought along fellow TFB writers Rusty and Sam. Rusty and Sam are both seasoned gunsmiths with a ton of experience that they’ve come on the show to share today. Today we’ll cover everything from routine firearms maintenance, some gunsmithing horror stories, and the set of tools that both Sam and Rusty trust most and consider essential for every amateur and professional gunsmith. To see more of Rusty’s and Sam’s work, check out their author pages to see an archive of all of their TFB articles.

    Rusty’s Archive

    Sam’s Archive

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    TFB B-Side Podcast: Gunsmithing with TFB Writers Rusty S and Sam S

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