Bump Stocks are NOT Machine Guns – 6th Circuit Vacates GOA v. Garland
Aidan Johnston, Director of Federal Affairs for the GOA announced via his Twitter yesterday (June 25th, 2021) that the previous judgment regarding Gun Owners of America v. Garland has been vacated via a three-judge panel. This essentially means that the panel ruled that bump stocks are not machine guns. This is a victory for the 2nd Amendment community even if you’re not a fan of the bump stock. The battle determining the legality of bump stocks has been raging on for quite some time and the GOA has been working to restore these firearms accessories back to legal status as non-machineguns since they were first banned on March 26th of 2019.
Bump Stocks @ TFB:
Bump Stocks are NOT Machine Guns – 6th Circuit Vacates GOA v. Garland
Today, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated a brilliantly written opinion on bump stocks by a three judge panel of the court. But the fight is not over. Gun Owners of America and Gun Owners Foundation are committed to combating the lawless ATF at every turn in GOA v. Garland. And as the battle continues, GOA will continue to champion the common-sense decision from the appellate panel that a bump stock is not a machine gun.
– Statement by Snior Vice President Erich Pratt – GOA
No matter your view on whether or not bump stocks are useful and or important to the 2nd Amendment, one thing is for sure – they are not functionally and legally machine guns. The use of a bump stock still requires active manual manipulation of the firearm in order to continue to fire – much like an Echo trigger or Binary trigger still requires you to take further actions in order to fire the next round.
According to a file published by the 6th Circuit Court, the case will be restored and placed back on the docket sheet as pending appeal which should be scheduled for oral argument “as soon as possible.” No doubt the lawyers over at the GOA are preparing for when this day comes. What are your thoughts on this ruling by the 6th Circuit? Would you like to see bump stocks back on the market for sale to gun owners? Let us know down below.
Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ballisticaviation/
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fero, ferre, tuli, latum (to carry, bear
I have been composing a letter or comment for several years now. It concerns how the Bill of Rights was constructed and how the educations of the authors and contributors conceived and wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights. To begin: We do not have a National Language, which is a benefit and a curse. The benefit is that the reason why the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written in English. This is important because the English that was used was not the High English of the British Royalty or the Modern Latin that most legal and religious documents were written in. This English is the English of the Common Man. It is the English that most of the colonies used and understood. This is also important because the English of the Common Man is easily understood. It is simple and direct. Another fact to note is that most of the ones that contributed to the Constitution were literate in several languages. The most commonly used languages were English, Spanish, Dutch, German, French, Italian, and Latin. Of particular note is that a couple of them were literate in Hebrew as well. The familiarity of Latin and Hebrew is why the Common Man can read and understand the Constitution and Bill of Rights. There is no doubt that the Constructors were deeply religious and read the Old Testament (Tanach) and the New Testament. I have been studying Classical Latin and Ancient Hebrew for several years. I was vaguely familiar with Latin as I took it in high school 52 years ago. However, my knowledge of Ancient Hebrew were the words: amen and behemoth. One cannot study Ancient Hebrew and Classical Latin without learning more about the Word of G-d and the intent of our creation. We are created as an image of the L-rd and to destroy human life is to insult and damage the L-rd. We are commanded to respect human life because it is a gift. We have only one life. So we should cherish and defend our lives and the lives of those in our care. As I became more familiar with Hebrew and Latin, I realized that the 10 Commandments have been misinterpreted for 2000 years. Why? That is irrelevant. We have been told that "thou shall not kill". That is incorrect. It should read and be taught "thou shall do no Murder". Murder is done with rage, envy, jealousy, and hatred. There is nothing holy in murder. Yet, we cannot stand by and let a murder happen. Because life is precious and a gift from G-d, we must defend our lives. Even if it means using deadly force. Why is that relevant to today's problems? We have been misled for many years. We are told that the Constitution doesn't mean what it says. We are told that the 10 Commandments don't mean what they say. We are told repeatedly that the Bill of Rights does not mean what it says. Well, I am here to correct those misconceptions and outright lies. The Constitution was written in a language that the Common Man knew and understood. It wasn't written in Latin, or French, or a technical version of English. We are supposed to be able to read, understand and follow the instructions. The Framers knew this. In English, the phrase "to keep and bear" is the irregular verb fero, ferre, tuli, latum (to carry, bear). You bear witness. You bear a burden. You carry a Cross. You keep and bear arms. You cannot keep, if you cannot bear. You cannot bear if you cannot keep. The influence of Latin and Hebrew and the deep religious thought that went into the Bill of Rights cannot be denied. Today the verb,- shall -is just a wish, a directive and not a direct command. In Latin and the English of the Revolutionary War-SHALL- is a direct command. There is no debate. You SHALL not steal. etc. Now we get to the construction of the 2nd AmendmentIn Latin and the English of the Revolutionary War-SHALL- is a direct command. There is no debate. You SHALL not steal. etc. Now we get to the construction of the 2nd Amendment. We have 3 entities that are specified: The State, The Militia, The People. As we are commanded to defend our lives, we, therefore, are commanded to defend our country. When the Romans conquered a tribe, they let them keep their weapons. Why? Because the Romans needed them to protect themselves from marauding enemies. Let us explore the meaning of "Well Regulated Militia". Ah yes, that word-regulated-. In Colonial times- a well-regulated Militia was able to perform military drills with precision. It also is a clockmaker's term: a well-regulated clock keeps accurate time. It is also a gunsmith's term: A well-regulated firearm shoots to the point of aim. Guns back then were not standardized. When a gunsmith made a gun, he had to set the sights and develop a bullet and powder charge that was accurate. It took lots of practice and adjusting both the sights and the powder charge. Now we get to the main problem- ", Shall not Be Infringed". The comma sets the phrase apart from the rest of the sentence. It is a declaration, command, and order, a directive that should not be ignored! The declaration was put at the end of the sentence to add emphasis to the command and to buttress the entire Amendment. Now we know why the 2nd Amendment is so important. Without our arms, we cannot defend our families and ourselves. The Tanach is clear that murder is not legal and is forbidden. It is also clear that we are commanded to cherish and defend our Gifts from G-d.
Remember that it was Trump who banned them. Make sure none of you forget that.