CMMG's May the Fourth Blaster Giveaway and Build Components

Luke C.
by Luke C.
CMMG’s May the Fourth Blaster Giveaway and Build Components

CMMG, the firearm manufacturer that has brought you popular firearms like the Mutant and the Banshee has just released a video showcasing one of their latest goofy creations for the firearm industry – a replica Star Wars blaster which was originally based on the Mauser C96 (called a DL-44 Blaster) when used in the Star Wars movies. The Blaster will be part of a giveaway that lasts from the time of posting till May the 21st. Winners of the May the Fourth giveaway will be drawn the week after the giveaway ends.

CMMG's May the Fourth Blaster Giveaway and Build Components

CMMG’s May the Fourth Blaster Giveaway and Build Components

The CMMG 22LR blaster that is part of the giveaway is based on the 22LR CMMG Banshee and will come with two magazines, one of which will be autographed by Brandon Hererra of TheAKGuy YouTube channel. There will also be several runner-up prizes as well that will include an exclusive CMMG illustrated poster, as well as a 22LR end cap and a, ZEROED 22 LR Flash Hider.

This battle worn blaster was designed to offer uncompromising accuracy with its 10rd magazines and 2x pistol scope. The aesthetics of this blaster can not only be attributed to the wooden Kalashnicarver grip but also to the one of a kind DL22 Barrel Nut accompanied by a 4.5” barrel with the new CMMG ZEROEDTM .22 LR Flash Hider.

The 1st place winner will receive (1) .22 LR Blaster, (1) Autographed 10rd Magazine, (1) Standard 10rd Magazine, (1) Autographed Thermos, and (1) Exclusive CMMG Illustrated Poster.
Autographs by Brandon Herrera and Brandon from Texas Plinking.

Along with the 1st prize package there will also be 4 runner-up prize packs that will include, (1) .22 LR End Cap, (1) ZEROED .22 LR Flash Hider, and (1) Exclusive CMMG Illustrated Poster.

CMMG's May the Fourth Blaster Giveaway and Build Components

CMMG has also released a build list for the blaster pistol which will allow you to build out your very own even if you don’t win the giveaway. CMMG will presumably start carrying these components sometime soon if not shortly before the giveaway ends. The custom Kalashnicarver grip will also be available from the CMMG website.

Aside from being a light-hearted fun build for the Star Wars fandom who also shares a passion for guns, I think the Blaster actually does a pretty good job of imitating the original C96 blaster prop used in the movies. With the addition of a couple of red or green 22LR tracers, I think the build would be just that much cooler!

CMMG's May the Fourth Blaster Giveaway and Build Components
Luke C.
Luke C.

Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:

More by Luke C.

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  • Gopurdue02 Gopurdue02 on May 05, 2021

    my ears are ringing all ready.

  • BeoBear BeoBear on May 05, 2021

    That is pretty cool but these social media based "giveaways" are B.S.. The professional contest entering folks have built up social media accounts that give them hundreds to thousands of entries to the average gun owners 5. These prizes usually end up in the hands of people who don't even support your gun rights and get sold off. I've known a few of these people and they win a lot of stuff but you won't.

    I get why companies use social media based entries because it's advertising but they need to realize that most of the people who are big in social media will happily make money off your contest but also happily donate to anti-gun causes. Bring back single entry contests so the people who actually support you have a chance at winning.
