New Anschtz Bionic: 3D printed Biathlon Rifle

Rusty S.
by Rusty S.
Anschütz BionicImage Credit: Anschütz North America

3d Printed Bionic Biathlon

New from Anschütz is the Bionic, a Fortner 1827 F action based rifle mated to a lightweight, fully adjustable biathlon stock. Anschütz is the de facto biathlon rifle, with “95% of athletes utilizing Anschütz rifles”. The 1827 F action allows athletes to cycle the action via a flick of the finger and press of the thumb. The new Bionic brings the 1827 F straight-pull action based .22 caliber rifles further into the future with a wild-looking 3D printed stock, available in 10 colors and with three selectable sizes of 3D printed grip modules.

Thanks to 3D printing tech, color choice aboundsimage Credit: Anschtz North America

Specs per Anschütz:

  • Model 1827 F, 21.7″ (550 mm) barrel, BIONIC stock, grip size L
  • Total length………………………1020 mm
    Total weight …………………….approx. 3.456 g
  • Caliber: .22lr
  • System: Fortner ‘Straight Pull’ Action
  • Weight: 7.59 lbs
  • Barrel Length: 21.6″ Barrel
  • Magazine Capacity: 5
  • Stock Style: Biathlon Bionic Stock
  • Color: Gray
  • Color options are special order and priced on request
  • Grip size: Medium
  • Delivered with:
  • Biathlon front sight 6865, five 5-shot magazines, extra firing pin, adapter for dry firing, screw driver, Allan key and manual with original test target.
  • Rear sight not included.
The Bionic StockImage Credit: Anschtz North America

High-tech extends the limits of what is feasible. Lattice-structures in the grips revolutionise handling.
The granulate used in the 3D printing is lighter, more robust and performs better in tensile and fracture tests. Invisible and very strong magnets integrated in the BIONIC stock hold the magazines absolutely securely.

Interchangeable grip sizesImage Credit: Anschtz North America

The Future Isn’t cheap

The absolute cutting edge of biathlon rifles doesn’t come cheap, however. For a few examples: MSRP is $5495 USD from Anschütz North America, $4995 CAD from Nordic Marksman, and €4995 from Ase Ja Erä in Finland. If one is looking to upgrade from an older biathlon stock to the new Bionic system, stocks are also available by themselves. They aren’t cheap either, coming in at up to €2905 depending on the configuration. For more information, please visit Anschütz or Anschütz North America.

Rusty S.
Rusty S.

Having always had a passion for firearms, Rusty S. has had experience in gunsmithing, firearms retail, hunting, competitive shooting, range construction, as an IDPA certified range safety officer and a certified instructor. He has received military, law enforcement, and private training in the use of firearms. Editor at

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