Colorful New Non-Explosive Reactive Targets from Spt Targets
If you’re looking to add a little bit of colorful fun to your next range trip you might consider the new colorful non-explosive reactive targets from Spüt Targets LLC. This Kickstarter funded company is producing targets that contain a powder-based visual indicator of where you hit the target. Some more information can be found in their full press release below.
Colorful New Non-Explosive Reactive Targets from Spüt Targets
October 5, Spüt Targets LLC, is introducing Spüt Targets™ to the general shooting public. These are non-explosive, powder filled targets that blast colored powder out the back on impact even after being hit dozens of times. They accomplish this with over 100 individual powder filled pockets in each target. This seems to solve the instant visual feedback problem with most targets. If you want to instantly see if you hit a bullseye or the outer “ring”, just look to see which color blasts out the back of the target. This will be particularly useful for long distance shooting. Forget the spotting scopes and binoculars, just look for the Spüt cloud.
The company is rolling out the target through the crowd-funding platform Kickstarter. They say that it’s the best way to generate initial capital while gauging the public’s interest and offering early adopters a great price. Everyone wins.
To learn more or to see these targets in action (and even a fun slow-motion video), visit them at or just jump on their October Kickstarter campaign and place your order.
This seems to be a very interesting addition to sport shooting!
Each of the targets can theoretically be hit a total of 121 times according to the Kickstarter website. Each of the individual pockets is supposed to correspond to a specific location on the target indicating whether you hit a bullseye or somewhere in the outer markings of the target.
Targets like these would be really useful for long-range shooters much like Tannerite targets would be, although these have the added bonus of not being explosive based (or maybe that’s a downside?). Either way, these targets seem to be a good idea for those who want to add colorful, visual indicator of when they hit their target.
Target packages are currently for sale on the Kickstarter web page with rewards at the $10, $20, $100, $200 and $1000 marks which each successive category offering more of the colorful Spüt Targets. For more information, you can visit the Kickstarter page here, where Spüt Targets has laid out their project budget for everyone to see.
Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:
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ideal for gender-reveal parties.
This is a good idea for another target option. The only caveat I can think of offhand is that those little pockets that hold the colored dust will have to be durable enough not to be accidentally broken before they're shot. Otherwise, an annoying mess could be made.