NEWS ALERT: Federal Judge Rejects California Mag Ban

by Pete

I am going to keep this short and sweet – a federal judge has rejected a California law that was set to take effect to ban the ownership and possession of firearm magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez said that people should be able to use firearms with “whatever common magazine size he or she judges best suits the situation”. A testimony to individual liberty I personally find refreshing.

Before you wield your pitch forks and torches, this is news regarding law and policy – not politics. Additional information can be found below.

Federal judge blocks California ban on high-capacity magazines


A federal judge has temporarily blocked a voter-approved California law that would have forced gun owners to get rid of high-capacity ammunition magazines by this Saturday.

U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez, who is based in San Diego, issued a preliminary injuction Thursday that found the law was likely unconstitutional because it prevented people from using firearms that employed “whatever common magazine size he or she judges best suits the situation.” The law would have barred people from possessing magazines containing more than 10 bullets.

“The State of California’s desire to criminalize simple possession of a firearm magazine able to hold more than 10 rounds is precisely the type of policy choice that the Constitution takes off the table,” the injunction read.

Benitez added that “a final decision will take too long to offer relief, and because the statute will soon visit irrevocable harm on Plaintiffs and all those similarly situated a state-wide preliminary injunction is necessary and justified to maintain the status quo.”

The judge granted the request of attorneys from the National Rifle Association-affiliated California Rifle & Pistol Association to temporarily block the law.

In the days leading up to the ban, some California gun owners, pro-gun sheriffs and sellers have been reluctant to give up their magazines. Some gun owners have previously said that they were hoping pending court challenges would block the ban.

“We’re not going to be knocking on anybody’s door looking for them,” said Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko in an earlier interview with The Bee. “We’re essentially making law-abiding citizens into criminals with this new law.”

The ban is part of Proposition 63, approved with 63 percent of votes in November, that required background checks for people buying ammunition and instituted other firearms restrictions. To get rid of magazines in compliance with the approved law, California gun owners would have been allowed move them out of state, sell them to a licensed dealer, destroy them or hand them over to law enforcement.

Read more here:


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2 of 140 comments
  • "The Stranger" "The Stranger" on Jul 05, 2017

    Kudo's to the Judge...must be a gun owner..

  • RegT RegT on Jul 08, 2017

    The CA Supreme Court will certainly rule in favor of the law. If they don't, the Ninth Circuit federal court will.

    This is the problem with our judicial system - the liberal legislatures see no problem with allowing a majority (of those who bother to vote) to force _everyone_ to suffer the loss of their natural rights, and the courts - packed with liberal judges by Obama - rule in their favor (normally). Two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner.

    I'd love to see a law passed (by a majority of those who voted) that would force Democrat legislators to appear in public naked from the waist down. Especially in the winter.
