New Belarusian Pistol called PSN-V
During MILEX-2017 military exhibition, a Belarusian company called BSVT has introduced a new compact semi-auto pistol. The pistol is called PSN-V which is an abbreviation meaning “Vasilyev Concealed Carry Pistol” (ПСН-В – Пистолет Скрытого Ношения Васильева). It is chambered in 9x19mm and dedicated for undercover concealed carry use by law enforcement officers.
According to the designer of this handgun (Igor Vasilyev), it is intended to replace the PSM pistol in law enforcement. PSM is a very compact handgun, but the cartridge it is chambered in (5.45x18mm) has insufficient terminal ballistic characteristics. So Belarusian LEOs needed something similar in terms of weight and dimensions but chambered in a more capable caliber.
The gun uses a Browning short barrel recoiling mechanism. It feeds from six or eight round magazines and weighs a little over 1 lb (460 grams). From what is seen in the images, it features a slide mounted ambidextrous safety selector, large serrations both on the rear and front portions of the slide and a slide release lever. Note also the tiny magazine release button and sights.
Reportedly, PSN-V has successfully passed a 5000 round firing test. With a muzzle velocity of about 1150 fps, this handgun is claimed to be twice as accurate as the Makarov pistol which is still the main handgun of Belarusian police.
Managing Editor Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying the history and design of guns and ammunition. Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at
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if its not soft round and baby blue it won't sell in the states...
I'd buy one for my collection. I have every old Iron Curtain pistols. Should be under $200? As are SCCY's.