ATF Releases FFL Theft and Losses Report

Scott F
by Scott F

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Office of Strategic Intelligence and Information released a report earlier this month that lists the number of firearms stolen or lost from a Federal Firearms Licence holders for last year. The FFL Thefts/Losses United States report is short but contains a good bit of information that I thought readers might find as interesting as I did.

The report was put together using information from the bureau’s Firearms Tracing System, a collection of databases that the BATFE maintains that includes Multiple Sale Reports, Suspect Guns, Traced Guns, Out-of-Business Records, and Theft Guns. This particular report pulls from the Theft Guns database and if I am reading it correctly, the ATF only included guns from Type 01 and Type 02 licensees in the numbers. (Type 01 is basically a standard FFL and Type 02 is a pawnbroker.)

The ATF report breaks down and highlights totals from burglary, larceny, robbery and loss, and then the report breaks those totals down by the type of firearm. The report also breaks down the totals by state and territory.

The most interesting thing to me is of course the numbers, particularly the overall totals. The report claims that of the 18,394 firearms missing last year 9,113 of those were lost while the rest were outright stolen.

You can view the report for yourself here

Scott F
Scott F

Scott is a firearms enthusiast and gun hobbyist whose primary interest is the practical application of gun ownership. In addition to contributing to The Firearm Blog, he hosts and blogs for The Firearms Podcast, a podcast and blog about gun stuff by gun people. Scott is a 20-year veteran of the USAF and been a member of his base, state and the All Guard marksmanship teams. He can be reached via email at

More by Scott F

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2 of 36 comments
  • Wild Bill Wild Bill on May 05, 2017

    Wouldn't it be great if the public could access that data to verify the serial number on used guns? At least the make, model and serial numbers.

  • Nonobaddog Nonobaddog on May 05, 2017

    I read about a break in at a gun store here. A bunch of guns were stolen and then later many of them were recovered. Are those guns in these statistics?
