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How To Build An AR-15 Lower Receiver
Patrick R
(IC: employee)
Published: April 21st, 2017
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Wondering how to build an AR-15 Lower? In this episode of TFB TV, Patrick was doing some spring cleaning and came across enough spare parts to build a complete AR-15 lower receiver. Patrick walks you through how he builds his own AR-15 lowers.
Next week we will build an AR-15 upper receiver for future use as a channel test bed. All of the parts used in this build are take offs from past upgrades and other extra bits.
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Transcript ….
[coming soon]
Patrick R
More by Patrick R
Published April 21st, 2017 4:30 PM
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You forgot the part that adds a third pinhole and an Auto/Burst sear and appropriate selector switch.
All the worry about a word, build or assemble, what's the big deal? have you done this? are you about too? did it help you? there seems to be too much worry about the wrong thing the title and how it's worded compared to the post and whether it was informative and on point or not, I taught myself how to assemble, build, manufacture, make and otherwise put together an AR-15 and I still read these type of articles to see if there is something that furthers my knowledge not to pick apart the spelling or grammar, some of you need to get a life!