Colt Police Positive Special: Al Capone's Favorite Pistol

Patrick R
by Patrick R

The Cole Police Positive was not only a favorite with beat cops, but also happened to be the revolver of choice for Al Capone himself! In this episode of TFB TV, Patrick takes his 1937 Police Positive Special out to the range and turns the clock back a bit. With a lightweight yet sturdy frame, it isn’t hard to see why the Police Positive Special was so popular.

Introduced in 1907 and revised for longer cartridges in 1908, the Police Positive was produced until 1947 and served cops well into the late 60’s. The distinctive pull cylinder release and the clockwise rotation of the cylinder was said to provide a slightly tighter lockup making the pistol more accurate than other on the market at the time.

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Patrick R
Patrick R

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2 of 13 comments
  • Pete Sheppard Pete Sheppard on Mar 03, 2017

    Nice! I'd like to have seen you do some shooting using the hip/point shooting style of the day. It looked like it wanted to slip in your hand during that last segment of one-hand shooting. Was that much of a problem?

  • Dougscamo Dougscamo on Mar 03, 2017

    Patrick, for a pistol shooter you sure liked you were having fun with that revolver... :) ....
    They are a hoot aren't they?....
