Glock In The Movies | SHOT 2017

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

This year’s Glock reception had the theme “Glock In The Movies”. I was lucky enough to get an invitation to this year’s Glock reception.

This year’s pass was a laser cut and engraved piece of acrylic designed to resemble a piece of film. The passes have a lanyard with a green LED that illuminates the pass.

The centerpieces on the reception tables were these laser cut and engraved Glock 17 Gen4 made of the same acrylic as the passes.

Thorough out the reception were display cases of Glocks that were used is some film or TV show. Most of them were you basic Glock 26, 19 or 17. Nothing unique and to be honest could have been any prop Glock and placed in the display cases. Below is a Glock 26 used in some TV show. If you look closely the hood has been modified with a ramp. That is to ease the use of blanks and improve the gun’s reliability to cycle properly.

There were some unique Glocks though. Here are some from Fast and the Furious.

It is kind of hard to see, but the Glock 17 below has a polished slide.

Of course the two Taran Tactical Glocks from John Wick 2 were on display as well.

The reception has live performers and a cover band to entertain us while we ate our dinner.

And just like last year, they have a raffle. This year it was Amazone Echos, some coolers, large flat screen TVs, a check for $5k and an off road vehicle.

Sadly I did not win anything just like last year. But last year they raffled off one of their limited edition anniversary Glocks.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

More by Nicholas C

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  • Phillip Cooper Phillip Cooper on Jan 27, 2017

    Less pics of boring Glocks, more pics of the hot booth girls.

  • Dougscamo Dougscamo on Jan 27, 2017

    I just got in from a hunting trip so I'm late to the party.....
    Is that drool on the display case showing the polished slide on the 17?.....or spit?.....Just wonderin'
