[SHOT '17] Nordic Components Announces Modular Pistol Caliber Carbine

Scott F
by Scott F
Nordic Components Modular Pistol Caliber Carbine

Nordic Components has joined the legion of manufacturers of AR-15-based pistol caliber carbines but with a neat little twist. The Nordic Pistol Caliber Carbine will feature a removable, interchangeable, modular magazine well system that will allow for the use of different makes and models of pistol magazines.

Shooters who have been paying attention to the worlds of IDPA and USPSA competition shooting will know that the pistol caliber carbine (PCC) is red hot these days. The PCC now has classifications and divisions in both shooting sport’s governing bodies.

The Nordic Components Pistol Caliber Carbine touts the ability to lock back on an empty magazine, a feature that Nordic Components says is critical to both a defensive and competition use. The Nordic Components Pistol Caliber Carbine upper, lower and handguard are machined from 7075 billet aluminum and look pretty slick to this writer. The NC-3 handguard is a freefloat design that uses the Magpul M-LOK attachment design.

Initially the Nordic Components Pistol Caliber Carbine will be offered with the most popular calibers and configurations, in this case 9mm, GLOCK magazines and S&W M&P magazines in 16 inch rifle configuration, 8.5 inch SBR configuration, and a 8.5 inch pistol version. Nordic promises additional magwells and caliber in the future.

To learn more about the NC-PCC just follow the linky.


Scott F
Scott F

Scott is a firearms enthusiast and gun hobbyist whose primary interest is the practical application of gun ownership. In addition to contributing to The Firearm Blog, he hosts and blogs for The Firearms Podcast, a podcast and blog about gun stuff by gun people. Scott is a 20-year veteran of the USAF and been a member of his base, state and the All Guard marksmanship teams. He can be reached via email at scott@thefirearmspodcast.com

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2 of 19 comments
  • Noob Noob on Jan 15, 2017

    so which is better - Nordic Components Pistol Caliber Carbine or Ares/FightLite MXR?

  • Harry's Holsters Harry's Holsters on Jan 15, 2017

    Now if this had a QD barrel and a 10mm option I'd be all over it. Unless you're changing calibers I think the magwell thing is over rated.
