U.S. AFB Allows Personally Owned Weapons On Base

by Pete

One of our readers sent in information on a Facebook post detailing new rules for the possession of personally owned weapons by military personnel at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in North Carolina. Although base commanders historically maintain full control of AFB security, very few, if any, have allowed for the possession of firearms by members, even those with valid concealed carry permits.

Although the new regulations do not allow for any type of concealed carry while on the base, allowing any ‘Active Duty/Active Reserve military member, Air National Gaurd/Department of Defense civilian, or dependent, 21 years and older’ to drive on to the base with their firearms and secure them in their vehicles.

Without getting into the political weeds, the move precedes an incoming administration that has signaled an openness to passing new legislation surrounding national concealed carry permits and further allowances for concealed carry by armed forces members on military installations.

From the Seymour Johnson AFB Facebook Page:

A major change to the plan is the authorization of N.C. State Concealed
Carry Weapon (CCW) holders, or CCW holders from states having reciprocity
with N.C., to store their privately owned weapons (POWs) in their privately
owned vehicles (POV) for a period not to exceed 12 hours or the member’s
established duty day.

This provision applies to any Active Duty/Active Reserve military member, Air National Gaurd/Department of Defense civilian, or dependent, 21 years and older that meets all of the following criteria:
1) Assigned to SJAFB.
2) Qualified to legally possess a N.C. Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permit.
3) Possesses a current N.C. CCW permit or a CCW permit from a state with reciprocity to N.C.
Members possessing a CCW permit residing off base and wishing to store their POW in their POV while on duty must register each POW with the Security Forces Armory VIA THEIR CHAIN OF COMMAND USING AF Form 1314. In addition to registering with the Security Forces Armory, the CCW permit holder must provide a memorandum to their commander which indicates that the member has read and understands the rules and regulations regarding the transportation and storage of a POW in a POV. PA sent out a sample memorandum in a basewide e-mail, Dec. 8. A CCW permit holder may not transport and store their POWs in a POV until their commander has endorsed the memorandum.

Dependents 21 years and older, with a CCW permit from N.C. or reciprocal state, wishing to store their POWs in their POVs must follow the same registration process through their sponsor’s chain of command. CCW permit holders may temporarily store POWs in their POV when transitioning on and off the installation IAW federal law, DoD regulations, and N.C. State law.

Members must secure POWs in the vehicle at the member’s first stop upon entering the installation. The POW will never leave the vehicle while transitioning from carry to storage.

Members must secure POWs in a locked container which hides the firearm from view outside of the vehicle. This may be a locked glove box, center console, or a commercially purchased lockable weapons case.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will a POW be carried on the person (even in the event of an active shooter) with the following exceptions:

1) The initial transport to the first on-base destination. Once arrived, the member will immediately store the POW without exiting the vehicle.
2) The member may re-arm inside their vehicle when transitioning off the installation at the end of their duty day.
3) If the member resides in on-base housing and stores the weapon in the same location, the member may exit the vehicle in the driveway or in the garage and must proceed immediately to the storage location to properly store the POW.


Silencers - Science Pete@thefirearmblog.com

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2 of 43 comments
  • Grindstone50k Grindstone50k on Dec 26, 2016

    Bring this to the base I work on plskthx

  • Michael Fallon Michael Fallon on Jan 06, 2017

    Good first step. However any soldier, marine or airman, that has a current handgun license/permit will probably be carrying on their person soon after January 20th, 2017. It is about time.
