AR Versus AK Accuracy with Steel Cased Ammo

James Reeves
by James Reeves

In this episode of TFBTV, James responds to comments to his AK Inaccuracy Mythbuster video calling for a true-er AR versus AK faceoff. In this video, James compares a Russian Saiga SGL-21 to an FN M4 in .223/5.56mm, and the results may surprise you. Both guns are shot from 100 yards out of a Caldwell Lead Sled Dual Frame model, using 124gr 7.62×39 Wolf in the AK, and 55gr .223 Wolf in the M4. Five rounds of five shot groups were fired, and the best group was used for the video. Check out this episode of TFBTV for the results!

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James Reeves
James Reeves

Owner, Neutral Ground Gun Co. NRA/Louisiana State Police certified concealed weapons instructor, 2012-present Maxim Magazine's MAXIMum Warrior, 2011 TFBTV Executive Producer Champion, Key West Cinco De Mayo Taco Eating Competition Lawyer Instagram: gunshorts Twitter: @jjreeves

More by James Reeves

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2 of 40 comments
  • BBrawler BBrawler on Nov 10, 2016

    Let's be honest, AR has few significant advantages that make it more accurate just like AK has few that make it more reliable. Generally AR ammo is of better quality, distance between rear and front sight is longer and standard sights on AR are better. For average shooter those few things provide enough advantage to claim that the AR is more accurate than AK.

  • Patriot Gunner Patriot Gunner on Nov 10, 2016

    There are so many other factors involved when determining quality ammunition, its not just "brass is better than steel".
