19-Year Old Develops Controversial Finger-Print Unlocking Glock
Presented at the 2016 International San Francisco Smart Gun Symposium (ironic, considering the city shuttered its last gun shop in 2015), then 18-year-old Kai Kloepfer presented a new handgun design that incorporates a fingerprint reader. Young Mr. Kloepfer is sponsored by angel investor Ron Conway, who’s Smart Tech Challenges Foundation is spending $1.5 million for the development of “firearms safety technology.” Kloepfer is one of about 15 start-ups that Conway is sponsoring.
The design has been in skunk-works for over four years. Kloepfer’s start-up, Biofire, is “just a few months from a live-firing prototype, which assuming it works, will be the first gun to unlock like an iPhone.” This is untrue, as multiple finger-print reader base firearms have existed before, specifically Kodiak Industries with their Intelligun
Even if proven reliable (which no “smart” firearms technology has to date due to batteries), the Biofire will face deeply rooted mistrust of electronic locks on a firearm. When weapons need to be 100% functional after sitting for extended periods, electronic devices have had a tendency to fail too often due to aforementioned batteries and mechanical failure due to recoil.
Combined with the need to grip the firearm a certain way, I can see this technology failing to gain wide acceptance. Simply put, humans do not grip everything the same every time and the weapon is not lefty-friendly.
Still, its interesting to watch the brains in the high-tech world attempt to apply solutions to decidedly “low-tech” firearms. With electronic scopes and trigger systems making their way into public acceptance, “smart gun” capability is only a matter of time.
For the full article on Mr. Kloepfer, check out the Wall Street Journal (warning, pay wall).
*Title photo courtesy of the WSJ, photographer Matt Nager.
Editor Says: TFB univocally opposes electronic locks on firearms.
One of TFB's resident Jarheads, Nathan now works within the firearms industry. A consecutive Marine rifle and pistol expert, he enjoys local 3-gun, NFA, gunsmithing, MSR's, & high-speed gear. Nathan has traveled to over 30 countries working with US DoD & foreign MoDs.The above post is my opinion and does not reflect the views of any company or organization.
More by Nathan S
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The fingerprint sensors on my cell phones won't work when my hand is wet. What happens when they are covered with blood after being attacked? Or sweaty from exertion of fighting off an attack or running away?
Want to make guns safer? Give homeowners a tax break for locks, security systems, and gun safes.
We can't have Voter ID laws, you can't have worthless always going to fail when you actually need it electronic gun locks. Give us Voter ID laws, then we can have a conversation about not having electronic gun locks.