Sneak Peek Of The Springfield Armory Saint Writers Event!

Patrick R
by Patrick R

So we all know that there is a super secret new product from Springfield Armory. No one who knows what it is will talk about it, and there aren’t any clues online.

I’m not about to spill the beans, but I will share a few details about the amazing event that Chad, Drew, Stephanie, Denny, and the rest of the Springfield crew put together.

It all starts with a super vague itinerary emailed the week prior to the event. Springfield would be flying us out to Vegas and putting us up in a hotel. Beyond that I knew I had a dinner at 7 pm and nothing more. We were going to be joined by Rob Leatham, Rob Pincus, and the guys from APEX Expert Solutions.

We had a full couple of days planned, the first mostly on the static range with some training with Rob Leatham and The Apex guys where I learned quite a lot in the short time I was able to work with them. Day two I will have to talk about later. I can say that it involved some sim training as well as a helicopter ride to the last event and an epic shoot to end all epic shoots.

The Saint launches on November 1st, make sure to check back for all the details. I have a ton of video as well as some great takeaways from the event. Until then, check out the few photos that I can release.

Above all, bravo Springfield for a well thought out event Check for more information on The Saint’s website HERE.

Patrick R
Patrick R

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  • Pimpdalyrical Pimpdalyrical on Oct 25, 2016

    Starting to think it's just some Spartan race knockoff that includes a shooting section.

  • Core Core on Oct 26, 2016

    Maybe it's a gun with a linked fit biometric bracelet or some sort of training package? That would work with the SAINT acronym.
