Devil Dog Arms To Return

Nathan S
by Nathan S

Devil Dog Arms, which previously closed abruptly and in disgrace, has updated their website indicating the company will return under new Investors.

The statement of the website give some light into the surprise announcement earlier this year. In short, it would seem an investor group discovered the deception during their due diligence process to invest in the company:

In early 2016, the new investors of Devil Dog Arms Inc. halted operations due to adverse findings in their due diligence process. It’s been a long ordeal to gain control of all the assets and relaunch with a completely new management team and ownership.

Make no mistake, the previous ownership and management are absolutely no longer involved in the company in any way shape or form.

We are currently accepting applications for senior management, gunsmiths, machinists and sales. Please contact us at to inquire about those positions.

Stay tuned to our web site for more information and enter your e-mail address in the form above if you would like to receive updates.

We are excited about the relaunch of Devil Dog Arms which will happen in the near future.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

After the entire company was suddenly laid off, it would seem that Devil Dog Arms is again looking for people to join them and the new Ownership. Those interested can contact Devil Dog Arms through the e-mail addresses listed above.

The previous company founder, Joe Lucania, admitted to Stolen Valor through a Facebook post in April of this year:

“I am making this statement to express my deepest regret and to apologize for the damage, hurt and disrespect to the military community, industry partners and individuals. I am not and was not a marine, did not serve and do not have a DD214. I have no excuse for my actions and realize there is nothing I can say or do to make this right.

I have no more involvement in any capacity with Devil Dog Arms.

With Sincere Apology,

Joe Lucania.”

Nathan S
Nathan S

One of TFB's resident Jarheads, Nathan now works within the firearms industry. A consecutive Marine rifle and pistol expert, he enjoys local 3-gun, NFA, gunsmithing, MSR's, & high-speed gear. Nathan has traveled to over 30 countries working with US DoD & foreign MoDs.The above post is my opinion and does not reflect the views of any company or organization.

More by Nathan S

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2 of 27 comments
  • J0shua J0shua on Oct 06, 2016

    Let dead dogs, or is it lay? I don't know and im no fancy schmancy investor, but jeez, buy the assets and the hire the good employees and start back up under a new name. Who wants to show up at the range and have guys rib at you for having a poser rifle?

  • Cap'n Mike Cap'n Mike on Oct 06, 2016

    Its never JUST Stolen Valor with assclowns like Joe Lucania.
    I wonder what other scams he was running.
