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The Remington Original Model 51
Alex C.
(IC: employee)
Published: June 8th, 2016
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The Remington Model 51 is an example of how added complexity results in additional benefits to the shooter without compromising reliability. These .380 or .32acp pistols sold reasonably well over the course of about a decade, and is arguably one of the most interesting pistols ever made (sharing elements of gas and recoil operation). So how does it work and what makes it special?
Published June 8th, 2016 4:30 PM
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If you ever decide to detail strip one of these pistols, make sure to heavily document the process in pictures and video: The only documentation I was able to find the last time I had to reassemble one of these pistols (it came into the store as a box of parts) were some parts diagrams that didn't exactly match the gun or each other, and a set of assembly instructions that could only be described as short and vague. It wasn't quite as bad as having to solve the Saturday NYT crossword puzzle with only your sense of smell would be, but it was close.
I have one of these guns and LOVE it! That said, it is in need of a thorough cleaning. Do any of you know of a gunsmith who is familiar with these and would have no trouble detail stripping & cleaning?