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Glock Wielding Mini Robot Tanks
Nicholas C
(IC: employee)
Published: May 17th, 2016
DOGO Robot is a small tank treaded robot that is armed with a Glock. It is a remote controlled robot that can be operated in dangerous areas. Due to its small size it can maneuver underneath cars and even traverse staircases.
From the video, it looks like it is armed with a Glock 26. I am not sure how they got “14rd capacity”. A Glock 26 flush mag only holds 10 rounds + 1 in the chamber for a total of 11 rounds. If it was a Glock 23 in .40s&w then it could have 13+1 making 14 rounds of ammo. However looking at the screen cap below, you can see it is not a Glock 19/23 sized pistol but a Glock 26/27 sized pistol.
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Nicholas C
More by Nicholas C
Published May 17th, 2016 3:11 PM
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IMO, unless the robot can spin accurately and quickly aim at a moving object, dodging this would be fairly easy for a perp who wasn't cuffed, bound and gagged, once you're aware they're armed and in the area.
The DEA version of this armed robot will use "the Glock 40", because only they are professional enough.