SAF and Defense Distributed Sue Department of State

    Cody Wilson is not one to shy away from a fight, much less choose enemies his own size. In a David vs. Goliath match-up, Defense Distributed has teamed up with the Second Amendment Foundation to sue the Department of State over “Censorship of 3-D Printing Information.”

    Defense Distributed, known for its 3-d printed Liberator pistol, had the Department of State require him to cease distribution of the 3-D files for the liberator under ITAR – International Trade and Arms Regulations. The DoS contends that the files were needed for review (a “determination/classification letter” for those in the industry) and after 2 years, had not rendered a decision. (Typical turnaround for a letter when I was in the industry was 60-90 days.

    The Government’s restraint against the publication of this critical information, under the guise of controlling arms exports, violates the First Amendment right to free speech, the Second Amendment right to bear arms, and the Fifth Amendment right to due process, the lawsuit alleges.

    For full details and the press release, click here to be taken to the SAF website. 

    Nathan S

    One of TFB’s resident Jarheads, Nathan now works within the firearms industry. A consecutive Marine rifle and pistol expert, he enjoys local 3-gun, NFA, gunsmithing, MSR’s, & high-speed gear. Nathan has traveled to over 30 countries working with US DoD & foreign MoDs.

    The above post is my opinion and does not reflect the views of any company or organization.
