A Look Inside Geissele Manufacturing

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

Alan Lardieri goes inside Geissele and talks to Bill Geissele about their triggers and how other trigger systems work. Then they go on to showcase their sister company, ALG Defense. It is owned by Bill’s wife and they make mag wells for gen 3 glocks, free float handguards and an optic mount for glocks.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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  • Dp Dp on Aug 18, 2014

    "... sister company....owned by wife". That's pretty revealing piece of journalism. I'd be careful (lawyers are ready to go at any time) suggesting that owner (may have) married his own sister.

    • See 1 previous
    • Dp Dp on Aug 18, 2014

      @Nicholas C Literal? Oh yeaah, for sure. That's the essence of being.
      Do not take me as being picky; you do your story and I am sure you do it the best you can. Nothing personal; it's just playing words.

  • Stan Darsh Stan Darsh on Aug 18, 2014

    Dosen't ALG also make AR15 triggers? What, besides the price, is different between the two?

    • HSR47 HSR47 on Aug 19, 2014

      @Stan Darsh ALG makes mil-spec style (they look like the triggers that come in standard lower parts kits) triggers; IIRC, the only difference between the ACT and QMS is that one has coatings applied to the hammer/trigger/disconnector, and the other does not.

      While I've never played with either ALG trigger, I have used plenty Geissele triggers. On the whole, they're all excellent. On the budget end, they now have low-cost variants of the SSA, SSA-E, and S3G.
