BREAKING NEWS: The FACTS about the Remington Consolidation

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

You may have read rumors about Remington Outdoor Company’s plant consolidation online. We spent today meticulously researching and talking to industry sources. Everything in this post is fact, not rumor and conjecture.

It is important to note that, as we reported last December, the Freedom Group is no more. It is now called the Remington Outdoor Company (henceforth referred to as Remington).

FACT #1 : Remington is closing a number of plants around the country.

The Remington plants at Elizabethtown, West Jordan, Kalispell, Kennesaw, Lawrenceville, St. Cloudand and Pineville are closing.

FACT #2: Closed plant products lines are being consolidated at the new Huntsville, AL plant.

Earlier this year Remington opened a new plant in Huntsville, Alabama. The 500,000 square foot facility is the equivalent of 25% of the total of Remington’s pre-Huntsville 2.1 million square feet of production space.

FACT #3: Also being moved are the Bushmaster and Remington’s 1911 product lines.

The Bushmaster Firearms International (BFI) and Remington R1 1911 product lines are also being moved from Remington’s Ilion, NY facility.

Bushmaster was originally moved from Windham, Maine to the Ilion facility in 2011.

FACT #4: The consolidated product lines are …

  • Advanced Armament Corporation (AAC)
  • Bushmaster
  • DPMS Panther Arms
  • LAR Manufacturing
  • Montana Rifleman
  • Para
  • Remington 1911
  • Tapco

FACT #5: Remington is asking employees to move to Huntsville, Alabama.

Remington is wanting to retain and move as many staff as possible to the city of Huntsville, Alabama. Staff have been given instructions on how they can apply to move.

FACT #6: Remington’s official statement is …

Earlier today we announced the consolidation of multiple company plants into our Huntsville, AL facility,” said Remington Spokesman Teddy Novin. This was a strategic business decision to concentrate our resources into fewer locations and improve manufacturing efficiency and quality. We are working hard to retain as many people from the affected facilities as possible.


Folks, those are the facts. We will update you with more information as it comes our way.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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  • Tinacn Tinacn on May 21, 2014

    And the stars fell on Alabama...I wish Remington well. Getting out of gun-hostile NY is long overdue.

  • Anonymous voice. Anonymous voice. on Sep 02, 2014

    I work there now. This information is true. I will point out that during the finalization of the deal the CEO stated that Remington was not going to be closing any plants and that this was a "different project." Source is Huntsville Times.

    There are some things for the staff there now have to consider;

    Logistics are vital and there are plenty of local companies that can reduce costs in every manner of CNC machining needs, especially waste water treatment. Containers are cheaper..... there is an intermodal depot across the street...... maybe some rail lines connected with the line that passes 5 miles to the north would be a good solution, cheaper than truck transport too.

    HR.... hiring the best does not mean hiring people who have degrees, experience is more valued by people and Respect is given to those who manage people well, most of the complaints against Remington have to do with poor leadership and management. AIDT promises some good things, but you might be astonished if you saved some money and did the foots work for yourself, there are lots of people who are willing to prove themselves and have no experience.

    Security.... hiring armed officers who do not know gun safety protocols is really not a good idea at all, which has been proven once already. You would do extremely well to save money and use a proprietary security force. Many security officers you have working there now are not competent in your standard and there ha already been proof of that.

    Maintenance... Finding a way to balance temperature in a conservative manner is vital. It's either hot as hell or freezing cold.

    IT..... it would be a really really good idea to limit access to "ROCguest" WIFI so that only employees can access it and not just any person who drives onto the parking lot.

    Safety .... updating the fire extinguishers so that they are currently up to date would be a extremely good idea as it is now an occupied structure. I hate to think about any other safety systems that are working or not....

    I know that some of these issues will be addressed when they are able to be addressed, but having these things pointed out is a good thing. It means that we too can judge by the fruits of labor and be so very loyal if transparency, integrity, and honest management is a virtue.

    Setting demands in such lofty aspirations in Huntsville is...... interesting to say the least. But the exceptions you make for some, are just going to create more of the same complaints in relation to management. It's just good common sense and reality is very surreal. Just like the CEO said about the R51, "it's not supposed to be this way."
