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Soda Can Launcher
Nicholas C
(IC: employee)
Published: April 7th, 2014
X Products is partnering up with another company to produce a Soda Can launcher. It will be a dedicated upper and fires from blanks. It will shoot a soda can about 100-150 yards.
They have a video on their Facebook page.
It looks just like this one.
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"alt": "",
"title": "",
"video_link": "https://www.youtube.com/embed/9NiK1RSl3eM",
"youtube_video_id": "9NiK1RSl3eM"
"width": 634,
"height": 357,
"showRelated": true
Nicholas C
More by Nicholas C
Published April 7th, 2014 10:09 AM
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I kind of expect that it will stay legal exactly until someone gets caught making improvised can grenades. Then banned.
Finally, a way to live out my Zombies Ate My Neighbors fantasy