Slide Fire's concept Bump Sled

Chris Cheng
by Chris Cheng

Check out this interesting bump sled that the Slide Fire folks made as a concept. They were getting feedback from SHOT Show attendees, and like good gunnies, they provided plenty of feedback.

What kind of improvements would you make? Post your ideas in the comments, there’s a good chance the SlideFire folks will see them 🙂

Shown with a 50-round X Products drum.
Chris Cheng
Chris Cheng

Chris Cheng is History Channel's Top Shot Season 4 champion and author of "Shoot to Win," a book for beginning shooters. A self-taught amateur turned pro through his Top Shot win, Cheng very much still considers himself an amateur who parachuted into this new career. He is a professional marksman for Bass Pro Shops who shares his thoughts and experiences from the perspective of a newbie to the shooting community. He resides in San Francisco, CA and works in Silicon

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2 of 29 comments
  • MrT MrT on Jan 25, 2014

    Make it universal enough to let me put a RPD on the sled.

  • Just some guy in europe Just some guy in europe on Feb 01, 2014

    I can't understand why full autos got banned in the first plase. As far as I understand if one sells a kidney and a testicle in USA, then one can buy a pre-some-date-or-the-other manufactured full auto trough a rather simple transfer process and a tax stamp.

    Then why not just re-introduce full autos for sale, and just set up a separate FFL category where a person wanting to buy a newly made full auto can just go trough all the background checks, cavity searches etc and just get the damn gun.
    Somehow this bump fire nonsense makes just as much sense as the banned but still available full autos just for a very high price. What is it with legal loopholes and you americans? Please elaborate.
