GFG Drop-In Side Charger For AR-15
The GFG Side Charger is a replacement charging handle for the AR-15 that wraps around the receiver allowing it to be manipulated from the side of the receiver rather than the rear of the receiver. Its main advantage over an extended latch charging handle, such as the BCM gunfighter, is that is allows manipulation of the bolt catch with the same hand as the charging handle.
This is not the first side charging handle I have seen, but it is the best looking. The retail price is $150.
Many thanks to Quan for the tip.
I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!
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The only benefit I can see is the ability to clear a double feed/FTE while the rifle remains shouldered, which "might" help in combat or shooting situation (barrel still facing enemy). The BCM handle still requires the shooter to remove the rifle from the shoulder. The B.A.D. lever is still required though, as far as I can see. So together you're looking at about $200 in additions.
If the handle performed all of the bolt locking/unlocking functions I would be interested. As is, I'll pass.
so another thing that may not have been thought out is if this charging handle fits in the groove of the rail system then you might not be able to use optics unless you run the VLTOR CAS-V rail which is what he is using.